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结节性多动脉炎。Much arteritis of ⑩ nodal sex.

年过五旬的人若患上头痛,便可能是由颞动脉炎所致。Headaches in people over 50 can be due to temporal arteritis.

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大动脉炎是我国北方比较常见的一种临床疾病。Takayasu's arteritis is a common clinical disease in Norh of China.

目的探讨病毒性脑炎并脑动脉炎的病因。Objective To explore the reason of cerebral arteritis in viral encephalitis.

目的探讨重症头臂型大动脉炎的诊断和治疗方案。Objective To evaluate the diagnosis for and treatment of severe Takayasu′s arteritis.

目的探讨多发性大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的临床特点。Objective To explore the clinical features of Takayasu arteritis involving coronary arteries.

结论高血粘度与非颞动脉炎性前部缺血性视神经病变的发生密切相关。Conclusion The high blood viscosity is closely related to the pathogenesis of non-temporal arteritis AION.

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本文用队列研究方法研究了钩体脑动脉炎。In this report the cases of leptospiral cerebral arteritis were studied with the method of cohort studies.

什麽是'大动脉炎-炎症的主动脉及其分支'?。Takayasu's arteritis is an inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that affects the aorta and its branches.

目的总结多发性大动脉炎颈动脉病变的超声表现特点,提高其诊断价值。Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of ultrasound in carotid artery involvement in Takayasu's arteritis.

结果结节性动脉周围炎是一类以动脉坏死为主要特征、累及全层动脉的炎性病变。Results Periarteritis nodosa was mainly characterized by necrosis of arteries and arteritis with all the layers involved.

目的对多发性大动脉炎患者的眼部表现进行探讨。Objective To investigate the ocular manifestations of the patients with primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches.

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大部分的巨细胞动脉炎都是发生在头颈部的动脉,尤其是显动脉。Giant cell arteritis occurs mainly in the cranial arteries, especially in the temporal area, and rarely in the coronary arteries.

巨细胞动脉炎以动脉的炎症为特征,主要在头部,每10万人中有20人受累。Giant cell arteritis is characterized by inflammation of arteries, primarily in the head, and affects 20 out of every 100,000 people.

结论青年人脑梗塞的病因以动脉粥样硬化、心源性脑栓塞、梅毒性动脉炎最常见。Conclusion The common causes of brain infarction in the young are atherosclerosis, cardiogenic brain infarction and syphilitic arteritis.

方法回顾性分析56例大动脉炎患者的螺旋CT三维血管成像特点。Methods Vascular imaging features of three-dimensional CT angiography of 56 patients with Takayasu arteritis were analyzed retrospectively.

结论青年人脑梗死的病因以动脉粥样硬化、心源性脑栓塞、梅毒性动脉炎最常见。Conclusion The most common causes for cerebral infarction on young patients include arteriosclerosis, cardiogenic cerebral thrombus, syphilitic arteritis.

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目的探讨左髂动脉-左颈动脉旁路术治疗头臂型大动脉炎这一新方法的治疗效果。Objective To put forward our new surgical technique and investigate the effect on treatment of brachiocephalic arteritis by left iliac-left carotid arterial bypass.

要确定缓解的耐久性和维持MTX疗法之需,还要对此类高安动脉炎患者进行进一步的长期研究。Further long-term studies will be required to assess the durability of remission and the need for maintenance MTX therapy in this subset of Takayasu arteritis patients.

大约半数高安动脉炎患者有慢性活动性疾病,单一GC疗法不能达到因长期缓解而可以停止用药的疗效。About half of all Takayasu arteritis patients have chronic active disease for which GC therapy alone does not provide sustained remissions that allow withdrawal of treatment.