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养一只公猫一只母狗。Breed a tomcat and a female dog.

那就把我心爱的雄猫变成英俊男士吧!That turns my beloved tomcat into handsome man!

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程序服务端运行在Apache公司的Tomcat服务器上。Client service running on Apaches Tomcat server.

老太太一生孤独,只有一只雄猫与她相依为命。The old lady lives alone, only one Tomcat with her life.

这只郎猫一直在追逐那只美丽的白色母猫。The tomcat has been chasing the beautiful white female cat.

“雄猫”战斗机只出口过一个国外客户即伊朗,共计80架。F- 14A "the tomcat" the fighter aircraft has exported an overseas customer is only Iran, total 80.

Tcat服务器为运行在Tomcat实例上的web应用程序提供了深层次的诊断和调试能力。Tcat Server provides indepth diagnostics and debugging capabilities for web applications running on Tomcat instances.

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如果使用的是Tomcat,那么可以直接利用server.xml文件中Connector元素,只要加上以下的属性就可以进行程序文件的压缩了If you're using Tomcat directly you can take advantage of the compression attribute on the Connector element in your server.xml file.

第二天,懒汉杰克又出门去了,他在一家面包房找了个活,说好了干完活就给他一只小公猫。Now the next day, Lazy Jack again went out, and hired himself to a baker, who would give him nothing for his work but a large tomcat.

我坚信雄猫将将像海盗、野马、喷火这些传奇战机一样被人们牢记。I really believe the Tomcat will be remembered in much the same way as other legendary aircraft, like the Corsair, the Mustang and the Spitfire.

国王希望尼克松能够提供阻止这些入侵者的更先进的战机,而尼克松则告诉他美国将提供F-14“雄猫”或F-15“鹰”式战斗机。King hoped that Nixon can provide prevents a these intruder's more advanced fighter plane, but Nixon will tell him the US to provide F-14 "the tomcat" or F-15 "the hawk" the type fighter aircraft.