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当文森特·范登博格来时,他做得很好。Vincent van den Berg did well when he came on.

他念了几行,便凶狠地瞟了贝格一眼。He read a few lines, and looked wrathfully at Berg.

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雷敦伯格寻求的是一种追求完美的境界。Mentholatum Berg looking for is a pursuit of perfection.

1969年,约翰兰道尔和艾斯贝格在哈罗德看到有人出售一头小狮子。In 1969, John Rendall &Ace Berg saw a lion cub for sale in Harrods.

1969年,约翰兰道尔和艾斯贝格在哈罗德看到有人出售一头小狮子。In 1969,John Rendall & Ace Berg saw a lion cub for sale in Harrods.

西雅图华盛顿大学的阿尔佛雷德?伯格带领了这次研究。Alfred Berg of the University of Washington in Seattle led the study.

录音都表明了贝尔格四重奏工作的重要组成部分。Recordings were an important part of the work of the Alban Berg Quartet.

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Berg认为奥巴马还可能是印度尼西亚公民,他小时候曾住在那儿。Berg says Obama also may be a citizen of Indonesia, where he lived as a boy.

答案就是核糖体的起作用的核心是由RNA组成的。The answer, Dr. Berg said, is that the active core of the ribosome is made of RNA.

贝格坐在伯爵夫人身旁,愉快地恭敬地安慰着岳母。Berg was sitting beside the countess, trying with filial respectfulness to reassure her.

这是进化的关键点,Berg博士说,当RNA学会如何制造蛋白质的那一刻。“This is a key point in evolution, ” Dr. Berg said, “when RNA learned to make proteins.”

在一座座四面伸展开去的冰架正在分崩瓦解的年代里,这座冰山的出现更显得意味深长。At a time when sprawling shelves of ice are disintegrating, this berg seemed to signify more.

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惊人的地点30米下的下跌花岗岩岩简历伯格公园在斯德哥尔摩举行。An amazing location 30 meters down under the granite rocks of the Vita Berg Park in Stockholm.

盖柏格指出均无水牛在西雅图500英里的寓所皮吉健全。Mr. Berg points out there were no buffaloes within 500 miles of Seattle's home on Puget Sound.

人们聚集在一所Penzlauer贝尔格在7月11日,2001年在柏林,德国柏林墙公园。People gather in a park by the Berlin Wall in Penzlauer Berg July 11, 2001 in Berlin, Germany.

在摆动甲在柏林墙公园Penzlauer贝尔格7月11日,2001年在柏林,德国姑娘游戏机。A girl rides on a swing at the Berlin Wall Park in Penzlauer Berg July 11, 2001 in Berlin, Germany.

雷敦伯格是一个出色的马拉松运动员,同时也是一系列银行抢劫案的主犯。Mentholatum Berg is an excellent marathon athletes, but also the principal series of bank robberies.

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“这块蓝色的浮冰很快就会融化,”艾里亚说,“现在融冰比以前更快了。"This blue berg will be melted away soon, " Eliyah says. "Ice seems to melt faster than it once did.

“我们需要更长的后续研究,以确定是否更多的筛查将换来死亡人数的减少,”伯格说。"We need longer follow-ups to determine if more screening will translate to fewer deaths, " says Berg.

摄影师在拍摄利�和父母一起做早餐的情景。Kristin Riley and her parents, Cinda and Michael, making breakfast as cameraman Mark Berg shoots the scene.