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谭天忠正是塔克在保诚保险的继任者。Thiam is Tucker’s successor at Prudential.

一名保德信投资证券的发言人士并未对此立即发表评论.A Prudential Investment spokesman had no immediate comment.

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“利从诚中得,誉从信中来”。Lee from Prudential in too, from the letter to the reputation.

保诚集团在亚洲可能算是一家大公司,但它始终是一个外来者。Prudential may be big in Asia, but it will always be an outsider.

恒丰地产全力塑造优质楼盘,湖景居成为公认的宝安第一豪宅。Prudential real estate full shape quality, Wu King in a recognized Baoan one house.

武当道教1个鲜明的特征是要求出家人忠孝信诚。Wudang Taoism is a distinctive characteristic requirements monk Chunghsiao Prudential.

恒丰酒店与奥比斯合办「创造奇迹」救盲筹款活动,为奥比斯筹募款项。Prudential Hotel and ORBIS co- organising the " Make a Difference" Fundraising programme.

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保诚的竞价使得AIA准备在香港证券交易所上市的计划胎死腹中。The Prudential bid preempted a plan to list a stake in AIA on the Hong Kong stock exchange.

为了谨慎起见,英国的银行也要面临缩减资产负债表的压力。British banks are also under pressure to reduce their balance-sheets for prudential reasons.

多德弗兰克法案对主要银行和非银行机构规定了更加严格审慎的标准。Dodd-Frank provides for more stringent prudential standards for these major bank and nonbank firms.

我们都需要去学习信诚模式——全心全意依靠于分享亚洲经济增长所带来的好处。We all need to emulate the Prudential way — a wholehearted leap into sharing that Asian GDP growth.

我们诚交天下客,我们的服务得到您的满意,是我们最大的满足。Prudential to pay off our world, our services will be your satisfaction is our greatest satisfaction.

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信诚基金管理有限公司公布关于增加注册资本的公告。Prudential Fund Management Co. , Ltd. announced on the increase in the registered capital of the notice.

她倒好象极其幸福,而且,用普通人的眼光来看,她这门婚姻当然攀得很好。She seems perfectly happy, however, and in a prudential light, it is certainly a very good match for her.

新组建的保诚集团计划将他的股票在香港和新加坡上市,正如其股票在伦敦和纽约上市一样。The new Prudential plans to list its shares in Hong Kong and Singapore as well as in London and New York.

同理,检验后危机时代审慎监管的最佳做法是明智的。In the same way it is wise to examine post-crisis understanding of best practice in prudential regulation.

政府往往在困难时期放松审慎的监管原则,而关键是银行的反应。"Governments tend to relax prudential regulatory requirements in difficult times. The key is how banks" react.

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相对于让友邦保险上市,把友邦保险全盘出售给保诚集团可使AIG筹得更多的资金。An outright sale of AIA to Prudential could enable AIG to raise more funds than by listing a stake in the unit.

经测试也适应于恒丰公司S344BOX等采公板设计的开发板。After tests also adapted to Prudential and other mining companies S344BOX public board design development board.

所以,审慎考量的举动,无碍本法院裁决原告所提问题。Thus, prudential considerations do not restrain this Court from adjudicating the question presented by Plaintiffs.