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一定,是嫉妒的西风。A jealous zephyr , not a doubt.

和风怎能骑在驴身上?How could a zephyr ride an ass?

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可爱的西风!为何伤感?Sweet Zephyr ! why that sound of wo?

当和风甜美的气息挟着生机。When Zephyr also has with his sweet breath.

从海上吹来的和风令我非常惬意。I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea.

王熙到上海后,巧遇晓春,并与和风相会。After Wang Xi goes to Shanghai, chance encounter Xiao Chun, encounter with zephyr.

从西风中听一听谴责之辞吧,一定有的,听不到的人是不幸的。Listen to every zephyr for some reproof, for it is surely there, and he is unfortunate who does not hear it.

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阿戈尔先生有时会让外面知识的清风吹进我们枯燥无味的课堂里。Aghore Babu would sometimes try to bring the zephyr of outside knowledge to play on the arid routine of our schoolroom.

和风的同乡姑娘王熙早已心仪于他,却不能到上海找他。Wang Xi admires the fellow villager girl of zephyr in the heart already at him, cannot look for him to Shanghai however.

奎奈蒂克公司是在18个月以前开始制造这种最新的“西风”号飞行器,希望从现在起开始进行一年全面的军事考验。QinetiQ began building the latest Zephyr model 18 months ago and hope to start full scale military trials a year from now.

冠心病和风心病都是心脏病,请问这两种病有什么区别?。Anxiety of zephyr of coronary heart disease is heart disease, what distinction do these two kinds of disease have excuse me?

光线和风,会对家居的氛围产生影响,从而影响人的心情和健康,这就是风水。Radial zephyr , can produce an effect to the atmosphere of household, affect the person's mood and health thereby, this is geomantic.

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夏天的金叶子,月朗风轻,总是能给人一种清逸娴静的感觉。The golden leaves of summer along with the bright moonlight and the gentle zephyr would always bestow a feeling of tranquility and leisure on us.

我打开风扇,希望在徐风中麻醉,和风吹拂残发,残发凌乱地磨在脸上,如同此刻的心。I open the fan, hoping to get narcotization in the zephyr. The breeze blows my sad hair which pell-mell rubs my head, just as the feeling of my heart.

他们搭乘美国铁路公司的西风列车从旧金山到丹佛,然后再搭乘铁路帝国列车从芝加哥出发,穿越国家冰川公园来到西雅图。Real train pros. They have taken Amtrak's Zephyr from San Francisco to Denver, and the Empire Builder through Glacier National Park, from Chicago to Seattle.

在芝加哥登上西风号快车前往旧金山前,我们有几个小时的空余时间,所以我们就赶到芝加哥艺术学院去看由建筑大师伦佐·皮亚诺设计的新楼。We had a layover of several hours in Chicago before boarding the Zephyr for San Francisco, so we dashed over to the Art Institute to see the excellent new Renzo Piano wing.

华北平原区域性同步污染现象受制于高空持续稳定的西风及低空各类稳定的天气型配置。The phenomenon of regional synchronic contamination in North China plain is restricted by persistently steady zephyr at high altitude and various steady synoptic types at low altitude.

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房地产开发商Zephyr8882.T上周因不堪8.93亿美元负债而破产,成为日本近五年来最大的上市公司倒闭案.Zephyr是今年破产的几家中型地产公司之一,因营建原物料价格飙涨,且经济大环境更加严峻,使房屋需求减缓.Zephyr was one of several mid-size property firms to go under this year, broken by steep price rises for construction materials and a tougher economic climate that has slowed demand for homes.