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你们好啊,孩子们。Hello children.

哪些孩子?Which children?

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你们要做个乖孩子.Be good children.

孩子们,再见。Bye bye children.

不过,我有孩子。But I have children.

我深爱我孩子们。I loved my children.

“留守儿童”。Left-behind Children.

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对,别的孩子。Well, other children.

她共有五个孩子。She had five children.

你们都是乖孩子。You are good children.

孩子们都不理我。The children ignore me.

我们有三个孩子。We have three children.

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我们会生孩子吗?Would we have children?

他生了三个子女。He begot three children.

我为我的孩子们而战斗。I fight for my children.

孩子们冲了出去。Out rushed the children.

孩子们点头称是。The children nodded yes.

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请问你有冇子女?D5. Do you have children?

“孩子们鱼贯而出”。Out ran all the children.

孩子在搭积木玩。The children are at play.