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在苏格兰,有格拉斯哥大学。There's Glasgow in Scotland.

英格兰北界苏格兰。England is south of Scotland.

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他去年在苏格兰旅行。He traveled Scotland last year.

嗯,你们有去苏格兰的旅游吗?Er, do you do trips to Scotland?

凯恩戈姆山国家公园,苏格兰Cairngorms National Park, Scotland

英格兰和苏格兰在1706年合并。England and Scotland united in 1706.

英格兰和苏格兰于1707年合并。England and Scotland united in 1707.

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在苏格兰,蚊虫会成群攻击。In Scotland midges attack in swarms.

这些事情必将发生在苏格兰。That’s what will happen to Scotland.

苏格兰队牢牢控制了比赛。Scotland took the game by the throat.

开始在德国,现在又在苏格兰建厂。First in Germany, and now in Scotland.

碰巧我读了很多关苏格兰的书。I happen to read a lot about Scotland.

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随后英国报业申诉委员会和苏格兰场均对此做出了批评。PCC and Scotland Yard also criticised.

在苏格兰,事情可大不一样。In Scotland it is altogether different.

她的灵柩现安放于苏格兰博物馆。Her tomb lies in the Museum of Scotland.

这是英国苏格兰所特有的格子裙。This is unique to Scotland lattice skirt.

我游览过爱尔兰,我游览过苏格兰。I looked at Ireland, I looked at Scotland.

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苏格兰位于大不列颠的北部。Scotland is in the north of Great Britain.

是的,我刚从苏格兰回来。对比一下。Yes. I've just come spining from Scotland.

乌克兰将在周四对战苏格兰队。Ukraine play Scotland in Kiev on Wednesday.