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白血病的早期症状是什么?What is the inchoate symptom of leukaemia?

结肠癌的早期症状是什么?如何可以确诊?。What is the inchoate symptom of colonic cancer? How can diagnose?

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早期的白血病如果发现的早,治愈的可能性多大?If inchoate leukaemia discovers early, is cured possibility how old?

早期主要的症状为面色苍白,疲乏无力。Inchoate and main symptom is complexion cadaverous , tired and faint.

但是,我们对强者的制约,还处于相当早期的阶段。But, we are right of overmatch restrict, still be in quite inchoate phase.

请问强直性脊柱炎早期有哪些症状,可以治愈吗?Rigidity sex rachitis is excuse me inchoate have what symptom, can be you cured?

请问老年痴呆的早期症状是什么?有没有预防的方法?。What is senile and gawkish inchoate symptom excuse me? Have precautionary method?

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发病早期常由于跖趾关节滑膜炎局部发生肿痛。Come on inchoate because synovitis of Zhi foot joint is local, often produce gall.

食管癌的早期表现是进行性吞咽困难?Is the inchoate expression of esophagus cancer to have sexual deglutition difficulty?

凡本票在未交付予受款人或持票人之前,仍属未完成及不完备之…A promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until delivery thereof to the payee or bearer.

脑细胞缺氧早期发生头痛、头昏、严重者致昏迷。Cerebral cell is anoxic inchoate happening have a headache, dazed, serious person send insensible.

这是因为早期的芯片探针和芯片探针接口的设计难于措置在。Because the design of inchoate chip bougie and chip bougie interface is hard to handle, this is in.

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研究了三种外掺料对路面混凝土早期开裂性能的影响。The effect of three admixture on the inchoate cracking performance of pavement concrete is studied.

我今天发现我左手大拇指自己抖动。是敲空格敲多了么?还是什么早期症状?I discover him thumb of my left hand shakes today. How be to knock blank space? What be still inchoate symptom?

早期诊断乙肝病毒感染及传染性,已成为人们的共同愿望。Inchoate infection of virus of diagnostic second liver and infectivity, already made the collective wish of people.

如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step.

早期建设的新型干法水泥厂投资偏高有7个方面原因。The plant of new-style cement working a way of inchoate construction invests on the high side to have 7 respects reason.

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犯罪的预备、未遂和中止相对于犯罪既遂而言,是一种犯罪的未完成形态,故可以将其称为未完成罪。Preparation, attempt or discontinuance of crime is a kind of inchoate conformation, so they can be called inchoate crime.

教师资源是基础教育实现其全局性、基础性、先导性作用的前提。Teacher resource is the precondition for basic education to realize its comprehensive, fundamental and inchoate function.

那些早期的谣传可能会被后来的更正替换,但不和读者打招呼,直接删掉是不妥当的。Those inchoate bruit may by later correct replace, but disaccord reader greets sb, be being expunged directly is ill-considered.