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没有比毫无准备的接受面试更糟糕的事情了。There is nothing worse than an unprepared interviewee.

几乎每个被参访的人都说他有过贿赂的经历。Almost every interviewee said he had paid a bribe for his.

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老师选王当记者,林当受访者。The teacher choose king as a reporter, Lin was interviewee.

另一个受访者说,她在为新婚之夜做准备。Another interviewee wanted to practise for her wedding night.

其次,应聘者要证明自己能胜任这份工作。Secondly, an interviewee must demonstrate his skills for the job.

你需要为被采访者的头衔和字幕提供一个时间码。You need to provide a timecode for interviewee titles and subtitles.

你认定其是个夸夸其谈的人,所以就不听了,等等。Not listening to an interviewee whom you've decided is a rambler, etc.

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工作面试对于求职者与面试官都是有利的。The job interview is good for both the interviewer and the interviewee.

一个应试者把泡泡糖从嘴里拿出来攥在手里。” “An interviewee took his bubble gum out of his mouth and held it in his hand.

即便你正在攻击上镜头的被采访人,也要确保你们的关系是平和的。Even if you are attacking your interviewee on air, make sure your relationship is amicable.

你的面试官迟到无所谓,但是你需要准时或者提前5-10分钟。It’s OK for your interviewer to be late, but the interviewee needs tobe on time or 5-10 minutes early.

你可不希望你的观众在你的被访谈人谈论等离子物理的时候赞赏一只鹰的标本。You don't want your viewers admiring a stuffed eagle while your interviewee talks about plasma physics.

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然而,除了提问题得当以外,保持沉默也同样重要,要让被采访人自己说话。While it’s important to ask good questions, it’s also important to be quiet and let the interviewee talk.

截至3日晚,作为被采访者的前原并没有对韩国媒体的报道作出任何表态。As the evening of 3, as the interviewee is not the first former South Korean media reports on any position.

成功面试的决窍在于被面试者能让面试者对他的优点留下印象。The trick to a successful interview is that an interviewee can impress the interviewers with his good qualities.

第三,受访者必须证明自己的能力及工作技能和他对嗯工作知识有关的领域。Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas.

这包括摄制组成员和被采访者的名字以及任何相关信息,例如被采访者的头衔或所在机构。This includes names for crew members and interviewees and any other relevant information, such as interviewee titles or affiliations.

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研究电视出镜记者和采访对象的人际交流,有利于出镜记者更好的挖掘、报道新闻事实。The study on the interpersonal communication of on-camera journalist and interviewee is beneficial for journalists to cover the truth.

这种方法只应用于刚刚步入职场的菜鸟身上,在这类面试者身上面试官的威力是最大的。This approach is used only on people starting out on their careers, when the power of interviewer over interviewee is at its greatest.

开放性问题无法简单的用事或否来回答,应此被访谈者就会提供更多的信息。Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no response and thus encourage the interviewee to provide more information.