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让一个孩子的心充满喜悦。Gladden the heart of a child.

崇拜上帝,使孩子满心欢喜。Worship your God . Gladden the heart of a child.

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快乐的惊喜令人心快乐且有朝气。Happy SURPRISES gladden the heart and enliven us.

它们让我们的家里焕然一新并且让我们的心灵为之喜悦。They freshen up our homes and gladden our hearts.

这丰富多彩的游戏将这个游戏流派的所有球迷欢欣鼓舞。This colorful game will gladden all the fans of this game genre.

无法取悦自己灵魂之时便等于是出卖它。It already amounted to selling his soul when he was unable to gladden it.

在今天,对周围的人表达感激,让一个人快乐,一同赞美这世界的奇妙。Today, express your gratitude. Gladden the heart of a person. Praise the wonder of the earth.

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这应该让那些总是指责中国抄袭和窃取的人们感到开心才对!This should gladden the hearts of those who perpetually accuse China of copying, stealing or hacking !

其中有些数据让人捧腹,在2007年有30个80或80岁以上的男人举行他们人生中的第一次婚礼。Some of the figures gladden the heart – in 2007, 30 men aged 80 or over got married for the first time.

这些美好的本质,这个磁盘上的代表,会逗你的作品,并会格拉登您的客户。These wonderful essences, represented on this disk, will amuse your works and will gladden your clients.

硬盘短缺将迫使戴尔将转向以较高价值的客户和产品为主.The shortage of hard drives will force Dell to prioritize toward higher-value customers and products," Gladden said.

每当想到自己将在这一天的工作中为单位,为其他人带来效益,带来快乐,自己当然也应该跟着高兴。He is naturally happy at the thought that the work he has done will benefit and gladden his organization and other people.

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虽然你前途暗澹无光,仍能因祂十字架的得胜和祂真理的广传而欢呼。What though thy way be dark, canst thou not gladden thine heart with the triumphs of his cross and the spread of his truth?

在电话会议期间,格莱登说开学购物季节也是“比我们预期的稍弱”。During a conference call, Gladden said the back-to-school shopping season has also been "a little weaker than we would have expected."

中国人民的解放战争由防御转到进攻,不能不引起这些被压迫民族的欢欣鼓舞。The turn of the Chinese People's War of Liberation from the defensive to the offensive cannot but gladden and inspire these oppressed nations.

她对所有欢愉之事视而不见,尽管它们能振奋精神、加速心跳,让生命的洪流沿着体内的脉管健康地涌动。She neglects all the cheerful exercises which gladden the spirits, quicken the pulses, and send the tide of life in healthful currents through the veins.

当前,应该让它肩负起为“时代主题、青春激情、沁人心脾、天才灵感、现实批判”而唱的审美使命。At present, we should let it undertake until "era theme, youthful passion, gladden the heart and refresh the mind, the aesthetic mission sung that talent's inspiration, reality is criticized".

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任何法律都不能侵犯生命自由和财产权的观点,似乎是支持“有限政府“这一观点的,这点无疑很讨自由主义者欢心。This idea that no law can violate our right to life, liberty, and property would seem to support the idea of a government so limited that it would gladden the heart of the libertarian after all.

他在梦中环顾自己的家室,壁炉角落�没有长袜,没有圣诞铃或冬青花圈,没有基督的安慰,喜悦和救赎。In his dream he found himself looking through his home, but there were no little stockings in the chimney corner, no Christmas bells or wreaths of holly, and no Christ to comfort, gladden and save.