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学会建设性地使用你的镜子。Learn to use your mirror constructively.

促使你建设性地面对失败It allows you to deal with failure constructively.

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有益地利用时间是一门很高的艺术。How to use one's time constructively is a hight art.

反过来,建设性地利用它,拒绝让它主宰你。Rather, use it constructively and refuse to let it dominate you.

这次他倒是打算给下级一些建设性的指示的。He had meant to advise his subordinates constructively this time.

提示——给坐席提供一些专门的建设性的信息。TIP—Give agents specific information that can be used constructively.

看来很少有公司雇员懂得如何建设性地接受批评意见。It seems that few employees know how to take criticism constructively.

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FOTA将不断地通过有建设性的行动来解决与FIA的分歧。FOTA will continue to act constructively on resolving differences with the FIA.

在安全议题上,我们也有空间进行更密切和建设性的合作。On security issues, there is also room to work more closely and constructively.

或者你优雅地让步,并将建设性的批评用作成长的阶梯?Or do you graciously take it into stride and use the criticism constructively for growth?

难的是相信自己,积极地继续我们的生活。But the more diffcult thing is to believe in ourselves and constructively continue our life.

相反,使用这个自律对准建设性描述下一步要做什么。Instead, use this self-disciplined alignment to constructively describe what can be done next.

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生命就是表达,和谐而富建设性地表达自己,是我们的分内之事。Life is expressive and it is our business to express ourselves harmoniously and constructively.

其实建设性的表达自己的“不良情绪”是一中十分积极,可行的行为。In fact, constructively expressing other negative feeling can be a very positive, empowering act.

所以,何不趁等待的机会仔细逛一逛,发掘一些新鲜事物呢?Use this extra time constructively by roaming around in the area and knowing new things about it.

我们大家都有义务以建设性和创造性的方式相互交往,寻求可行的解决方案。And all of us have an obligation to engage constructively and creatively toward a workable solution.

本文给出了一类大龙虾树为幸福树的构造性证明。It is constructively proved that the two classes of felicitous big lobster trees are felicitous tree.

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你们不愧是能以和平与建设性的工作,你所有的人,不管他们是。You deserve the peace of being able to work constructively with all of your people, whoever they are.

作为一个光棍儿是会遇到各种各样问题的,关键是要知道如何建设性地解决这些问题。Being single comes with its fair share of problems. The key is knowing how to handle them constructively.

所有参加方都做出了努力和建设性的工作,取得了多哈授权所要求的进展。All participants have worked hard and constructively to make progress as required under the Doha mandates.