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她叫那个狗卢卢。She calls the dog Lulu.

爸爸、露露和阳阳在家里。Dad lulu and yang yang are at home.

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终于,那种令人沮丧的气氛消失了,露露做到了。Then, out of the blue, Lulu did it.

回到钢琴旁后,露露让我付出了代价。Back at the piano, Lulu made me pay.

露露和我几乎同时意识到这点。Lulu realized it the same time I did.

我卷起袖子,回到露露身边。I rolled up my sleevesand went back to Lulu.

我挽起袖子,走到露露身边,对她使用了各种武器和策略。I rolled up my sleeves and went back to Lulu.

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你知道关于露露和维克的事了吗?Do you know there’s a rumor about Lulu and Vic?

而且她的露露吉尼斯紧身衣是,呃,黑底白条的。And her Lulu Guinness clutch is, er, white on black.

玛希雅的妹妹路路和丈夫及孩子一起则住在德国。Her sister Lulu is in Germany with her husband and baby.

“可露露和苏菲娅是不同的人啊,”杰德说。"But Lulu and Sophia are different people," Jed pointedout.

“可露露和苏菲娅是不同的个体啊,”杰德说。"But Lulu and Sophia are different people, " Jed pointed out.

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老张的儿子张亮可算是个美貌出众的人。Lao Zhang's son, Zhang Liang, can be a real lulu in his looks.

鲁鲁,鲁鲁,说“哈喽”“哈喽”。哦,它真聪明。真是只好鸟。Lulu. Lulu. Say "hello". "hello". Oh, she is so smart. Good bird.

是因为璐璐或出于兄弟情谊?也许我们永远不知道。Is it because of Lulu or out of brotherly feelings? Perhaps we'll never know.

要说质量管理体系技术,马尔科姆在这个组织内倒是一个出类拔萃的人物。Talking about technology on QMS, Malcom should be a lulu in the organization.

春天的时候,猪妈妈带着小猪噜噜,在山坡下种了一大片西瓜。In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain.

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Lulu不仅允许你创建大量的书籍,也允许创建数字媒体。Lulu allows you to create a variety of books, but also lets you develop digital media.

四年前露露的母亲被一辆汽车撞死后,理查兹一家收养了它。Lulu was hand-reared by the family after her mother was killed by a car four years ago.

由于他不让她去工作,露露就只能靠情人供养,所以她说感到很困顿。Dependent on her lover for money because heforbids her to work, Lulu says she feels trapped.