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距离只是一个借口。Distance is just a subterfuge.

这里有健康的托词。There's a subterfuge of health.

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他很明白那诡计。He saw right through the subterfuge.

男人和女人都有一样的诡计.Men and women were equally guilty of subterfuge.

像这些官僚式的托词只影响了一小范围。Such bureaucratic subterfuge works on a small scale.

正如我所说,女性设计涉及的不只是做秀,而是借口程度。As I say, the design of woman involves not just artifice, but a degree of subterfuge.

这是那里是有可能的一个“恶梦”的托词关于网站开始。This is where it is possible for a "nightmare" of subterfuge regarding a site to begin.

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当时已离职很久的施佩尔表示,停止该项目没有任何托词。Stempel, who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved.

他进一步表示,如果它是一个功能团队,团队成员的诡计。He further noted that If it is a functioning team, then team members are aware of subterfuge.

它们的交流自然而直接,没有诡计没有欺骗,每一分每一秒都是那么的有意义。Their communication is natural and direct, without subterfuge or cunning, and every movement has meaning.

除了这些用来暗度陈仓的专用线路,朝鲜铁路的主要功用是十分平常的。Despite the subterfuge of the private lines, the majority of North Korean railway activity is pretty mundane.

平时朝夕相处的人,只要穿上夜行衣,再蒙个面纱,对方就不认识了。Those that you see everyday, once they wear night subterfuge clothes and a veil, you won't recognize each other.

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我们安排她的生日庆祝会得耍点小花招,才能不让她发现。We had to resort to a little harmless subterfuge to organize her birthday treat without her finding out about it.

那么,是否可由此断定人们应该闭口不谈培养品格的意图,而采取诡秘而圆滑些的行动呢?Does it follow that one should keep silent about one's intention of education character, and act by ruse and subterfuge?

巴林的起义由占多数的什叶派领导,反对属于逊尼派的皇室,此举增加了伊朗介入的可能性。In Bahrain, the uprising is led by the majority Shiites against the Sunni royal family—which immediately raised the specter of Iranian subterfuge.

他们可能会在会议上公开地反对你,可能通过媒体或是一些阴谋诡计来反对你,你必须在上述所有场合都表明自己的观点。They may fight you openly in meetings, through the media, or with the subterfuge of palace intrigue. And you'll need to make your case in all those venues.

在他传授给自己的学生安塔尔·达拉科的东西中,智慧与言辞技巧远比一味使用原力更为有力和致命。Among his teachings to his pupil, Antares Draco, was that cleverness and subterfuge could be sometimes far more useful and deadlier than overwhelming force.

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所有这些方案都努力和作为极权统治托词的“自决原则”展开斗争。All these initiatives tried to combat the notion that "self-determination" should serve as a subterfuge for unaccountable autocrats to perpetuate their reigns.

中国造航母就是个大笑话。他们无法用他们的花招和非法手段从俄罗斯和美国的制造商那里偷到所有的设计。Chinese made Aircraft carriers is a big joke. They woudl have stolen all the design from Russian and American manufactures their subterfuge and illegal activities ! !