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了解LNG工厂的各种危险源。Understand the dangers of LNG plant sources.

了解LNG工厂的各种危险源。Understand the dangerous sources in LNG plant.

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LNG是一种比CNG更清洁、高效的优质能源。LNG is a cleaner and more efficient energy than CNG.

这是计划供应的天然气为马来西亚的LNG项目。It is planned to supply gas for a Malaysian LNG project.

她没钱,而房东这时正在敲门。She has no money, and the landlord is knock- lng at the door.

冷藏、空调和制干冰利用了LNG的冷量。The cold energy of LNG consists of cold exergy and cooling capacity.

我国液化天然气的冷量利用潜力巨大。The cold energy utilization potential of LNG in China is very large.

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广东LNG站线项目是典型的线形工程。The LNG station-pipeline project is the typical linearization project.

Gorgon的合资方目前均在推销各自所持有的天然气份额.Venture partners are marketing separately their share of the Gorgon LNG.

由于液化天然气余量不多,普京本周又提出了一个主意。When little spare LNG could be found, Mr Putin this week pitched another idea.

结果表明,生产LNG产品的效益要高于SNG产品。The results show that the LNG product has higher benefits than the SNG product.

储罐的保冷技术是LNG船的关键技术之一。Cold retaining technology of tanks is one of the key technologies of an LNG Ship.

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最后强调在该地区进行LNG电厂选点时可以优先考虑老厂扩建模式的观点。The mode of constructing LNG plants on the basis of expansion of old plants is recommended.

随着世界对能源需求的加剧,导致LNG运输船出现了向大型化发展的趋势。With the increasing demand of energy the development of LNG Carrier is towards large-scale.

介绍了我国天然气资源、开发、利用情况,重点讨论了天然气化工利用和冷能利用。To discuss the utilization of natural gas chemical industry and of LNG cold energy technique.

据库马尔说,使用液化天然气开车能大幅减少汽车排放。According to Kumar, operating vehicles with LNG would reduce vehicular emissions considerably.

如何有效提高LNG冷能利用效率一直是人们关注的课题。How to effectively improve the efficiency of LNG cold energy utilization is a focus at all times.

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文中还对如何开拓闽东南LNG市场提出几点看法。The several opinions on opening up the LNG market in Southeast Fujian are proposed in this paper.

LNG接收终端工艺流程和气化工艺的对比及选择问题是LNG接收终端高效、经济运行的关键。The comparison and selection of LNG receiving terminal process was the key to efficient operation.

报告表示,由于非常规天然气的发展,2020年以后,液化天然气进口将减少。Imports of LNG will fall after 2020 as a result of unconventional gas development, the report says.