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自制的柳笛,音质非常好。The willow whistle he made himself has a pleasant timbre.

我喜欢上了羌笛那略带哀怨的音色。I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute.

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共鸣赋予嗓音的音量和音质,并加强其响亮度。Resonance give volume and timbre to voice and strengthen its sonority.

噪音的音色充分显露出来,口腔的噪音就消失了。The timbre of the laryngeal sound stands out, and oral noise decrease.

但是,真正能做到音质专业而且质量优秀的品牌并不多见。But, there are few brands in possession of professional timbre and excellent quality.

动物个体也有着不同的音色,轻重缓急的方式也有所不同。Individual animals also have different timbre and use different patterns of emphasis.

虽然声色和音色非常相似,外界也有不同意见。The color and timbre of the sound is very similar, yet the attitude is quite different.

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对于中提琴来说,它有着比小提琴更为深沉的音色,现在为你们演奏音阶So again this is on a viola so it has a deeper, darker timbre than a violin but here's a scale.

他们发现笑声的音调和音色可以显示出一个鬣狗的身份,音调代表了它们的年龄,而且从笑声里可以分辨出谁是老大。They say a giggle's pitch and timbre establish a hyena's identity, and that pitch indicates age.

大提琴是弦乐家族的重量级人码,音色浑厚而歌唱性强。The cello is the sonorous member of the string family with its beautiful singing tone and rich timbre.

一些传统的心理声学注重对音高、响度与音色的感觉。Some of the traditional psychoacoustic concerns involve the perception of pitch, loudness, volume and timbre.

动静字音是出现于宋元时期的语言学概念。通过分析刘书的体例,指出“动静字音”实际是音学概念,仅指文字的本音和转音。Timbre of maneuver or tranquil states is a concept of philology turned up in the period of Song and Yuan dynasties.

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主要研究了钢琴声音幅度谱中的第七、第九次谐波对钢琴音质的影响。The focus of the paper is on how piano timbre changes with the attenuation of the 7th and 9th harmonics amplitude of piano.

换言之,某种主观的,对声乐技术和音色的感受一定由某种发声器官的客观状态决定。In other words, the subjective feeling of vocal techniques and timbre are decided by the objective state of the vocal organs.

配上这样的笛头,可以用长笛演奏出中国竹笛的音色,冬天演奏时笛膜不会因为水汽湿了膜而影响音色。With which you can get the bamboo flute timbre by occidental flute! Further, the film can be avoided wet when playing in winter.

声音宏亮,音色优美,能旋宫调转,十二律伴音齐备。The stentorian voice, the timbre is exquisite, can turn on lathe the palace to transfer, 12 law sound accompaniments are prepared.

科学的吹奏口形应该是逼紧的,只有逼紧的吹奏口形才能产生有力的“口劲”,有力的“口劲”才能吹出最佳的笛子音色。Scientific lip-rounding for playing flute is narrow and approach to the flute so as to produce great mouth strength and better timbre.

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但在钢琴演奏教学中,对钢琴作品音色的感受和把握常常是一个重要却又不易的问题。But in the piano-playing teaching, the understanding of the timbre of the piano opuses is a problem of importance but not easy to grasp.

当然这种认同感也不只是源于他的音质——一种深沉但不浑厚的声音,其中澳洲口音的抑扬顿挫很不明显,几乎快变成英国口音了。Nor was it the timbre of his voice, deep and yet not particularly resonant, its Australian inflection so slight as to be almost British.

合唱最基本的技术原则是音色谐和、音量均衡,这两者都是集体艺术创作过程中的一种基本手段。The harmonic of timbre and the equilibrium of volume is the basic principle of chorus and the basic method in the creation of art works.