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一盎斯是十六分之一磅。An ounce is one sixteenth of a pound.

美利坚第十六任总统。The sixteenth president of the United States.

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16日,艾尔·戈尔宣布参与竞选总统,他很可能将面对的对手是州长乔治·W·布什。Al Gore announced for President on the sixteenth.

这种建筑式样最早出现于十六世纪。This architectured ates back to the sixteenth century.

本草学家在十六世纪曾统治了整个植物界。Herbalists dominated the sixteenth century botanical world.

在16世纪巴黎成为法国首都And it's in the sixteenth century that Paris becomes the capital.

她的圣诞专辑“圣善夜”出来十一月16位。Her Christmas album, "O Holy Night, " came out November sixteenth.

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十六大以来的五年是不平凡的五年。The five years since the Sixteenth Congress was an extraordinary period.

我们的公寓在第十六楼,从窗子里可以俯瞰大明湖。Our apartment is on the sixteenth floor, its window overlooking Daming Lake.

我们的寒假放假时间是从一月十六号截至到二月七日。From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday.

在她身上第十六个生日她将会刺一个纺织上的她手指轮子和一钢模。On her sixteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die.

十六世纪以前,还没开始利用已经知道生长势的知名砧木。Use of named rootstocks of known vigor did not begin until the sixteenth century.

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卧佛寺的大钟是16世纪重新铸造的。The big bell in the Temple of Reclining Buddha was recast in the sixteenth century.

到了第16和17世纪,人们对古典作品感兴趣。In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, people became interested in the classics.

党的“十六大”报告字里行间处处闪烁着创新的光芒。There are many rays of innovation between lines in the Reprot of the Sixteenth Congress.

世纪末,大型机器设备开始在造纸业投入使用。Large machines started to be used for making paper near the end of the sixteenth century.

武夷山钟灵毓秀,被道教尊奉为“第十六小洞天”。The supernatural and wonderful Wuyi Mountains was called"the sixteenth fairyland"by Taoism.

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在十六世纪至十八世纪之间,人们为宗教自由而战。Between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries the struggle was for freedom of religion.

毫无疑问,这位美国第十六任总统是另一位伊利诺斯州议员的英雄。Not surprisingly, America's sixteenth president is a hero of another former Illinois lawmaker.

第二、第八、第十六层有装饰着木饰品和大理石的小教堂。The second, eighth, and sixteenth floors contain chapels, ornamented with mill-work and marble.