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你咳嗽吗?Do you cough?

我咳得很厉害。I have a bad cough.

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排气管咳嗽烟尘。Tailpipes cough soot.

你咳嗽那么厉害,真得治一治了!The baby has a cough.

蜂蜜能治咳嗽。Honey helps the cough.

我咳得声音都沙哑了。I have a hoarse cough.

他患了慢性咳嗽。He had a chronic cough.

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烟呛得我直咳嗽。The smoke made me cough.

他咳得好历害!What a bad cough he has!

现在,把咳嗽药给我!And get me my cough drops!

他的咳嗽差不多全好了。His cough was nearly cured.

我不停地咳血。I cough blood all the time.

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这瓶糖浆是治咳嗽的吗?。Is this syrup for my cough?

咳咳咳,你懂的。Cough cough cough, you know.

咳嗽。手心热,流鼻涕。Cough. Palm hot, runny nose.

有没有咳嗽药?Do you have any cough drops?

他得了久治不愈的咳嗽了吗?Has he got a stubborn cough?

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我的咳嗽药也吃完了。I cough medicine also eaten.

应译为“这药能治咳嗽”。The medicine help the cough.

爱情和咳嗽是不能掩饰的。Love and cough cannot be hid.