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你遇到困难时会不知疲倦吗?Are you indefatigable?

精力充沛的沃尔特斯真是得其所哉。The indefatigable Walters was in his element.

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上周,孜孜不倦的太阳神勤奋工作Last week, the indefatigable Helios was hard at work

那不知疲倦的钟声现在敲第四遍了。The indefatigable bell now sounded for the fourth time.

再也没有其他圣人能够被一个写传记的人如此不知疲倦地记下。No other saint has had so able and indefatigable a Boswell.

他不屈不挠的精神帮助他对抗病魔。His indefatigable spirit helped him to cope with his illness.

日出。日落。如此周而反复。不知疲倦。The sunrise. the sun setting. such a week and again. an indefatigable.

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达尔文是一位锐敏的观察家、准确的记录员、孜孜不倦的收藏者。Darwin was a keen observer, an accurate reporter, and an indefatigable collector.

我们看到的是一线员工冒寒顶暑、任劳任怨的勤奋辛劳生产场景。We see is a staff take cold top summer, indefatigable hard toil production scene.

意志坚强、胆识过人和不屈不挠的名声是一种无价之宝。The very reputation of being strong-willed, plucky, and indefatigable is of priceless value.

在户外,它是孜孜不倦、宁为玉碎的狗,任何事物都不会令边境牧羊犬退怯,它们勇于追捕任何一只发狂的公羊。Outdoors he's an indefatigable persevering dog, that is afraid of no-one and takes on any ram.

总之,“巴姆镇的声音”是一首赞颂这个城镇的人们所具有的顽强不息的生命力的颂歌。Above all, 'Voices of Bam'is an ode to the indefatigable life-force embodied by the people of this town.

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意志坚强胆量过人和不屈不挠的名声,乃是一种无价之宝。-----C。达尔文。The very reputation of being strong-willed, plucky , and indefatigable is of priceless value. ---C. Darwin.

马克和相濡以沫的妻子康妮都没有慢性病,一个身材瘦肖,一个身体丰满。Neither Mark nor Connie – his indefatigable wife, who is as chubby as he is gaunt – suffer any chronic medical conditions.

我以坚持不懈的热情来给他的表上弦,不久这金表就被送往加尔各答的钟表店里修理去了。That watch of his I wound up with such indefatigable zeal that it had very soon to be sent to the watchmaker's in Calcutta.

一位美国体操选手讲述了他力争入选奥运会代表队的百折不挠的信念,包括在不幸受伤可能被迫结束体育生涯之时。A U.S. gymnast describes his indefatigable dream of making the Olympic team, even moments after an injury that could have ended his career.

阿令人恼火不知疲倦的维多利亚探险牵引通过大沙漠在盛夏的澳大利亚探险,捕鲸船和所有。A maddeningly indefatigable Victorian explorer hauling his expedition, whaleboat and all, through the Great Australian Desert in midsummer.

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这位不屈不挠的问题解决者有一次穿上派克大衣、戴上护目镜,全副武装,打扮成英国南极探险家欧内斯特•沙克尔顿的样子,向员工发表演讲。An indefatigable problem-solver, Maloney once addressed a group of employees dressed as explorer Ernest Shackleton -- parka, goggles, and all.

雄浑的贺兰山在宏大壮阔的外在气象之下,展示着厚重和坚实,涵养着银川人务实、诚信的品质和脚踏实地、任劳任怨的作风。Helan Mountain shows us a grand and solid feeling, which builds practical and honest character, a hardheaded and indefatigable working styles.

曼联的球迷依旧在高声歌唱着,不过不止是对不知疲倦的威尔士人又一次为曼联出战。Mercifully for United time is still waiting and the songs are not just for what the indefatigable Welshman has accomplished for the club in days gone by.