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因此我要求你在我义弟面前嫁给我。So I request you to marry me in front of my bros.

依据“超级玛丽”电子游戏设想的冷艳的纸杯蛋糕。Amazing cupcakes inspired by Super Mario Bros video games.

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玲玲马戏团中艺高人胆大的明星小丑贝洛。Bello Nock, the star daredevil clown of the Ringling Bros.

华纳兄弟唱片公司是华纳音乐集团旗下的公司。Warner Bros. Records is a unit of Warner Music Group Corp.

梁山好汉们可能彼此间都称兄道弟,但这些兄弟间到底有多亲密呢?All men might be brothers but just how close are these bros?

根据超级玛丽3.0游戏设计的超酷美甲!Awesome nail art inspired by the Super Mario Bros. 3 video game.

是啊,很明显桑福德在触犯法律之前就触犯了南卡罗来纳的神圣兄弟。Yeah, apparently Sanford violated South Carolina's sacred bros before hoes law.

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可以确定的是华纳电影公司绝对不会再雇用他,而且HBO也已经让他吃了闭门羹。Certainly Warner Bros. won't want him back, and HBO have already turned him down.

初略一想,这款游戏看上去像是一款标准老式超级玛丽风格游戏。At first blush Braid looks like a standard old-school Super Mario Bros. -style game.

高盛公司再也没有能力收购雷曼兄弟,也不能和贝尔斯登竞争了。Banks like Goldman Sachs no longer had Lehman Bros. or Bear Stearns to compete with.

他和华纳吵架的时候一气之下在脸上纹了个“奴隶”字眼以示抗议。Famous for scribbling "slave" on his cheek during a bitter dispute with Warner Bros.

李曼兄弟和美林,曾经的聚会主流,如今已成为不愉快的回忆。Lehman Bros. and Merrill Lynch, former mainstays of the gathering, are bad memories.

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重友亲色的意思是,不要选择一个女生或是男生多于你的朋友。Choosing bros before hoes means that you don't choose a girl or a boy over your friend.

别重色轻友是指你不要将你的女友或男友看的比朋友还重要。Choosing bros before hoes means that you don’t choose a girl or a boy over your friend.

正如雷曼兄弟的事件所显示的,让失败的银行免于倒闭是有充分理由的。As Lehman Bros. showed, there are good reasons to avoid letting failed banks go bankrupt.

这是福克斯、派拉蒙和华纳兄弟影视制作公司收益的总和。That is about as much as the film studios of Fox, Paramount and Warner Bros put together.

我们也很荣幸能与华纳兄弟公司合作再制作出这样一部长期播映的高质量喜剧片。We're proud to partner with Warner Bros. on another highly successful, long-running comedy.

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本书计划在去年11月出版,遭到华纳兄弟和原作者罗琳的起诉。Rowling and Warner Bros. are suing RDR Books, which planned to publish the book last November.

该组织抗议美国「玲玲兄弟马戏团」展演珍禽异兽。PETA was protesting the use of exotic animals by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.

有关装船事宜,请与我方运输代理新加坡B&W兄弟公司接洽。Please communicate with B&W Bros. Co. Singapore, our shipping agents, for loading arrangements.