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不虔诚的基督徒会受上帝惩罚吗?The quality or state of being impious.

不虔诚不虔诚的状态或性质。The quality or state of being impious.

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而当我厌倦了这渎神的玩笑。And when I tire of these impious jokes.

不虔诚的基督徒会受上帝惩罚吗?Will an impious christian be punished by god?

因此,绝没有人会批评他们不孝及无情。No one would criticize them ruthless or impious.

这时的人类雄伟刚毅,但却骄横不虔。This was a race of manly men, but insolent and impious.

盲目崇拜恶魔亚斯她录,和巴力神的异教徒。Worshipping Astaroth blindly, and impious idols of Baal.

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让我们不去回想那个邪恶的人吧--我们两个都那么讨厌他!Let us recur not to that impious man-how hateful to both of us!

愿我们的天主在这一切事上受赞美,因为他把恶人置于死地。In all these things, may our God be blessed for he has handed over the impious to death.

不虔诚就是蔑视那些,人们或社会最在意的事务。To be impious is to disrespect those things a person or a society cares most deeply about.

在这期间,行毁灭与不敬虔之事的人要掌权,说他们是公义的。And, in the time of these, destructive and impious men shall rule, saying that they are just.

善不能由背弃宗教的人来体现,无神论者是人类的恶劣的带路人。Good cannot have an impious servitor. He who is an atheist is but a bad leader for the human race.

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对一些认为神圣或不可侵犯之物的不敬的或亵渎的行为、态度或表达语源。An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

对那些最不敬虔的亚流派幻想者,让他们别因为道德身体是被造的就认为道也是被造的。As for the most impious Arian fanatics, let them not think that the Word is a creature because his body is created.

进步应当信仰上帝。善不能由背弃宗教的人来体现,无神论者是人类的恶劣的带路人。Progress should believe in God. Good cannot have an impious servitor. He who is an atheist is but a bad leader for the human race.

据说,虽然天使们从天而降,鞭笞不敬的皇帝,圣像破坏运动仍持续下去。All the images were taken down. And though the angels came down from heaven so it was said and beat the impious emperors, the iconoclasm continued.

有个沉船事件的目击者声称神明处罚不公,为了把一个对神不敬的人置于死地,无端连累了众多的无辜者。A man who was a witness of the shipwreck claimed that the decrees of the gods were unjust, for to lose a single impious person they had also made the innocent perish.

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若他们把圣灵说成那样,却还假装他们的想法跟亚流不一样,那么就让他们抛弃亚流的教导,免得对圣灵不敬虔。But if those who say such things about the Spirit pretend that they are not of a like mind with Arius, let them flee from his words and not become impious toward the Spirit.