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那么它就必须脱离这个圆环面。You have to leave the surface of a torus.

显然,它界定了这个圆盘,但是这个圆盘在面包圈的内部。And, of course, it bounds this disc, but inside of a torus.

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我们从凸面将水取出,把它放回到核心的上方。So we take water from the torus and insert it back over the core.

他们注意到,这个能够被铭记在一个突起的拓扑圈套,被形成像那样的形状。They noticed that this can be inscribed in a torus made like that.

环面可由矩形把其两对对边分别重叠起来而得到。A torus can be obtained from a rectangle by identifying opposite sides.

下面的花托更像一位慈祥的母亲,保护着她的年幼儿女。Following torus is more like a kind mother to protect her young children.

但是还可以沿着圆形路径挤压来创建圆环体或球形。But you can also create a torus or sphere by extruding along a circular path.

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本文主要研究了嵌入在一个实心环体中的某种特殊纽结的隧道。In this paper , I will study a sort of knots which is embedded in the solid torus.

因为我们是从侧面观察这个烘托,圆锥体的边缘看着就像一个X。Because we view the torus edge-on, the boundary edges of the cone shapes seem to form an X.

生成圆角刀无干涉刀具轨迹,一直都是三轴数控加工自动编程中的难题。It is always a difficult problem to get 3-axis interference-free tool path of torus cutter.

天文学家长期认为黑洞应该是由一环尘埃和气体包围着的。Astronomers have long thought that a black hole ought to be surrounded by a torus of dust and gas.

笔者对格图和环面蜂巢图作了相应的研究。We study the grid graph and the honeycomb rectanglar torus and honeycomb rhombic torus accordingly.

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就在这一方面,容我告诉你,这个园形突起状是理性,因为它考虑到结的问题。It is in this respect, allow me to tell you, that the torus is reason, since it is what allows for knot.

不论怎样改变温度和磁场,粒子都将漂移出环。The particles will drift out of the torus no matter how one juggles the temperatures and magnetic fields.

本文首先深入研究了单端口环网结构上全交换操作的实现算法。First of all, this dissertation extensively studied the algorithms for complete exchange on single-port torus.

本文介绍了具有椭圆环几何处理能力的组合几何包CGT。This paper introduces the combinatorial geometry package CGT with the capability of the torus geometric treatment.

本文给出了抛物环面天线的参数方程和辐射场公式。In this paper, the parametric equation and radiation field formulas for a parabolic torus reflector antenna are given.

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通过构造一个新的非线性函数,研究一类多折叠环面多涡卷混沌产生器。A new type of multi-folded torus and multi-scroll chaotic generator is studied by constructing a new nonlinear function.

这个环面的作用类似喷嘴,很像吹口哨时的嘴形,可以将呼出的空气兜拢,平行射出成一道狭窄的喷射气体。The torus serves as a nozzle, as your lips do when you whistle, collimating your exhaled breath into a narrow jet of air.

本文提出了一种适合环网结构的全交换算法。This paper presents new efficient algorithms for all-to-all personalized communication in ring and multidimensional torus.