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这些问题似乎不可逾越。These problems can seem insurmountable.

我说铁路运输问题是克服不了的。I say the railroading problem is insurmountable.

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这一问题是严重的,但是并非难以克服。The problem is critical, but not insurmountable.

他们征服看似不可超越的高山。They conquer mountains that appear insurmountable.

虽然这是不可克服的,这还是挑战。This is a challenge, though not an insurmountable one.

如果等待时间太长,小的问题也会变得难以克服。If you wait too long, little problems become insurmountable.

精诚所至,金石为开。No difficulty is insurmountable if one sets one's mind on it.

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这个冬天,真的是网络无法逾越的“寒冷关山”?This winter, the network is really insurmountable "cold Guan Hill"?

这是一个不容置疑的问题,尽管他比我年纪大。There was one insurmountable problem, however. He was bigger than me.

其实,偶然与必然之间并没有不可逾越鸿沟!In fact, contingency and necessity no insurmountable gap between! ! ! ! !

传统的去隔行算法存在着难以克服的缺陷。The conventional de-interlacing algorithms have some insurmountable faults.

在那段会谈时间里两人说得太多令双方的距离变得不可逾越。So much was said in that hour that the distance between them felt insurmountable.

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这组作者说,气候变化不应该被视为一个不能克服的问题。The authors say that climate change should not be seen as an insurmountable problem.

除了语言障碍,还有不可逾越的文化壁垒。Beyond language barriers, there exists an insurmountable artistic preference barrier.

她指出,尽管目前世界上的各种问题十分严峻,但并非不可克服。She said that while current world problems are daunting, they are not insurmountable.

但是如果你的自制力衰退的话,那么它就好像是一个几乎不可逾越的障碍一样。But if your self-discipline has atrophied, it can seem an almost insurmountable hurdle.

盛唐气象是不可逾越的,因为它毕竟是一个时代的产物和反映。This period is insurmountable because its poetry is a product and a reflection of an age.

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对于一位思想开明的人士而言,他希望其间不致存在不可逾越的鸿沟。He hoped that would be no insurmountable objection to a man of his liberality of sentiment.

胜利在不可逾越的可能性,她能证明自己,和重创她的生活。By triumphing over insurmountable odds, she is able to prove herself, and reinvent her life.

令人惋惜的是,他的所有尝试都自己那看来无法逾越的财富金山所阻挠。Sadly, all of his attempts have been thwarted by his seemingly insurmountable stack of riches.