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第二名是亚伦·博梅斯特。In second, Aaron Burmeister.

艾伦-贝克和安德鲁-巴特森By AARON BACK and ANDREW BATSON

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他的摩托车跳过去了但他摔了下来。His bike made it over but Aaron didnt.

肯尼迪总统是由艾隆•席克勒画的。President Kennedy was done by Aaron Shikler.

她是米利安,亚伦和摩西的母亲。She was the mother of Miriam, Aaron and Moses.

摄影师阿龙休伊记载下这一旅程。Photographer Aaron Huey documented the journey.

你和亚伦也各拿自己的香炉.You and Aaron are to present your censers also.

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——作者亚伦•列维是Box.net的CEO兼共同创始人。Aaron Levie is the CEO and co-founder of

他骑着Motor车跳跃一个15英尺宽的峡谷。Aaron jumped a 15ft wide ravine on his motorcycle.

他骑着摩托车跳跃一个15英尺宽的峡谷。Aaron jumped a 15ft wide ravine on his motorcycle.

所有犹太人开始指责摩西和亚伦。All the Israelites railed against Moses and Aaron.

他妻子是亚伦的后人,名叫伊利沙伯。his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.

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尼摩船长邀请阿龙纳斯作海底旅行。Nima captain invited Aaron Jonas Harbor for travel.

亚伦一年一次要在坛的角上行赎罪之礼。Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns.

他骑着摩托车跳跃一个15英尺宽的峡谷。Aaron jumped a 15ft wide ravine on hellos motorcycle.

阿伦。伯拉在1804年的决斗中杀了亚历山大。哈密尔顿。Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel in 1804.

郭富城,其中的四天王的粤语。Aaron Kwok, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Cantopop.

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贝嘉睡不着,因为艾伦和杰夫帮了倒忙!Becca can't sleep . And Aaron and Jeff aren't helping !

拿下赖特·菲利普斯,换上列农。Out went Shaun Wright-Phillips and in came Aaron Lennon.

保留助理教练吉姆那姆和麦基。Retained Jim Lynam and Aaron McKie as assistant coaches.