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我没有充分的准备。I have no adequate preparation.

事实证明她能胜任此项工作。She proved adequate to the job.

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她至多是个称职的打字员。At best she is an adequate typist.

它们也缺乏足够的上下文。They lack adequate context as well.

适当条件下,储存期至少一年。At least 1 year at adequate storage.

去年冬天雪量充足。There was adequate snow last winter.

数百万人饮水困难。Millions lack adequate drinking water.

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我们为假期带足食品。We took adequate food for the holiday.

锌和蛋白质摄入量是足够的。Zinc and protein intakes are adequate.

他们需要足够的营养。Their bodies needed adequate nutrition.

我觉得自己有足够的能力照顾闷油瓶。I feel adequate for taking care of Kylin.

我希望你能盛任这份工作。I hope you will prove adequate to the job.

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他的英语水平不足以令他去国外学习。His English is not adequate to study apoad.

他的英语水平不足以令他去国外学习。His English is not adequate to study abroad.

有足够的带宽满足峰值的需求吗?Do I have adequate bandwidth for peak demand?

应穿著有足够坑纹的橡皮底帆布鞋。Plimsolls with adequate tread should be worn.

充足的水供给每一户家庭。Adequate water is supplied to every household.

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睡眠充足的好处,谁都懂。Everyone knows the benefit from adequate sleep.

他的工资够养活三口人。His wages are adequate to support three people.

停车场能装得下50辆车么?Are the parking facilities adequate for 50 cars?