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也许托尼就是亚洲人。Maybe Tony is Asian.

我没有刻亚洲文身。I don't have Asian tattoos.

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我有著亚洲人的小个儿头。I was small, Asian and geeky.

这只是否北灰鹟?。Is it a Asian Brown Flycatcher?

作为一名亚洲人并不酷。Being Asian was just so un-cool.

我喜欢东南亚的人妖!I love the southeast Asian shemales!

你打理过亚洲人的头发吗?Have you ever worked with Asian hair?

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亚洲股价是否已经够低?Are Asian Stock Valuations Low Enough?

亚洲鲤鱼尤其危险。Asian carp are particularly dangerous.

所以其实我喜欢给亚洲人理发。so I actually like cutting Asian hair.

赋予了华亿崭新的内涵。Given the connotation of the new Asian.

广州亚运会将非常激动人心。The Asian Gamess will be very exciting.

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这才是真正的亚洲猪笼草。This is true with Asian Pitcher Plants.

因为东方人和亚裔美国人。Already, orientales and Asian Americans.

亚洲稻米储量达到了警戒水位。Asian rice stocks are near danger level.

最好是个移民,比如拉丁人或亚裔。Be an immigrant, such as Latin or Asian.

你会问亚裔男性这样的问题吗?Do you ask Asian guys the same question?

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我想在广州亚运会上找份工作。I want to get a job at the Asian Gamess.

没有很多美籍华裔作家。There arn't many Asian American writers.

纳什正在下围棋,围棋是源自亚洲的古老游戏。He was playing Go, an ancient Asian game.