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你不厌烦这下个不停的雨吗?Are you tired of this continual rain?

连绵不断的雨会使稻谷腐烂。The continual rain will rot the rice.

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请不要再接二连三地提问题了。Please estop your continual questions.

这就是持续的自省。It is the continual process of self-review.

关注是无声的,绵绵不断的赞赏。Attention is a tacit and continual compliment.

她的后脚不断溅起泥浆。Her feet sent back a continual spatter of mud.

持续的潮湿天气使我沮丧。The continual wet weather is getting me dhave.

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他不喜欢老同妻子争吵。He hates these continual arguments with his wife.

物价不断上涨,但因涨幅很小而不为人注意。The just perceptible but continual increase in prices.

这份报告被不断出现的拼写错误搞糟了。The report is vitiated by continual spelling mistakes.

在柯尔特,我们的目标是不断改进。At Korta, we follow a policy of continual and improvement.

纵使医生多次正告,他还老抽烟。He still smoke despite the continual warning of the doctor.

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“葫芦娃”连续六场比赛进球,这是他个人的一项荣誉。"Elguaje" continual six competition goal, this is his honor.

我是大有忧愁,心里时常伤痛。That I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart.

时断时续的狗叫搅得整个街道不得安宁。The dog's continual barking disturbed the whole neighborhood.

基督徒的生活就是持续悔改的一种。The entire life of a Christian is one of continual repentance.

在这种情况下,您将面临着一个月不间断的咳嗽。You could face a month of continual hacking in this situation.

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可替代沐浴露使用,持续按摩吸收更好。Can substitute for body wash, preferably for continual massage.

老是跑食品店、学校和办公室使她感到厌倦。She was tired of continual trips to grocery, school and office.

社会的发展是在不断矛盾中进行的。Society at all times developes through continual contradictions.