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他表达了他的苦恼。He telegraphed his distress.

他们发出了一枚呼救信号火箭。They sent a distress rocket.

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他们便极其困苦。They were in great distress.

我们听到的求救信号?。That distress signal we heard.

小动物发出求救信号。Small animals make distress calls.

⊙、危难无所顾,威力无所畏。Distress by gu, power without fear.

多比透过琼斯的表演所展现出来的悲伤和痛苦一直紧紧扣着观众的心弦。heartstrings in his hour of distress.

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这只船悬起遇难信号。The ship was flying a distress signal.

危难时见真情,狗也是英雄。Distress you then truth, dog is a hero.

他和朋友共患难。He shared with his friends in distress.

结果将是伟大的社会困厄。The result will be great social distress.

飞机遇险呼救还是干扰信号?。Air distress signal or interfering signal?

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在那种痛苦中,有人服侍,便是有人抚爱。To be served in distress is to be caressed.

救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress.

劳保用品穿戴好,遇险可把生命保。Wear the PPE, the life insurance in distress.

镇静剂确实减轻了他们的哀伤。The analgesic actually reduces their distress.

驱潜快艇听到了露西的呼救信号。Lucy's distress call was heard by the corvette.

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最初的危险信号产生于住房市场。The first signs of distress emerged in housing.

你要借他们的苦难来咒骂他们吗?Would you turn their distress into a malediction?

主要症状为上腹不适与黑便。Epigastric distress and melena were main symptoms.