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木头梁或椽子语源。A wooden beam or rafter.

只是依然安静的看着上上下下的人。But still quiet at the rafter.

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裹着绸缎的椽,石头屋顶。Rafter of satin, and roof of stone.

她开始觉得头晕了就从屋梁上掉了下来。And she began to feel dizzy and fell off the rafter.

她开始觉得头晕了就从屋梁上掉了下来。And she began to feel dizzy and fell off the rafter.

你说你到底在什么时候研究出了这个“筏夫”?When the hell did you say you developed this RAFTER?

“筏夫”并未受到欢迎。起初只是出现一阵低语声。RAFTER was not well received. At first it was just a rustle.

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在椽子上干活的木匠将斧子传给下面的伙伴。The carpenter working on the rafter passed his axe down to his mate below.

你能忠实地告诉我你不看桑普拉斯或者拉夫特吗?And can you honestly tell me that you don't watch Sampras or Patrick Rafter.

尽管里克注意到手机被放在一根房梁上,他没有知会伊菜。Although Rick notices that the phone is sitting on a rafter he tells Eli nothing.

飞弹合掌苑是‘白川乡合掌屋’居所的代表,带椽尖顶的旅馆坐落于飞弹高山旁。Hida Gassho-en is a 'Gassho-Zukuri' houses with steep rafter roofs inn nestled in Hida Takayama.

“佛斯特”女士唯一向丈夫寻求帮助的就是安置支撑柱和门廊上面的掾子。The only help Ms. Foster required from her husband was setting the columns and rafter over the porch.

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在他逃亡居住的时候说他看到了一只蜘蛛从一个椽柱努力的荡到另一个椽柱好让他织网。Whilst in hiding he was said to have seen a spider swing from one rafter to another in an attempt to anchor its web.

你到这里来要我们为你们的研究出钱,而你却始终藏着象“筏夫”这样的东西。You come over here and ask for us to pay for your research, and all the time you've got a thing like RAFTER up your sleeve.

一位在教堂屋顶工作的工人因为听到司布真用一句福音的内容测试音响效果而信了主。A worker high in the church rafter accepted Christ as Spurgeon tested the acoustics with a single Gospel sentence. Then there was St.

发生事故的顶棚部件正在被调查,来找出是什么导致了这个50吨的大家伙发生了移动。The section of the roof where the incident happened was being investigated to find out what caused the 50-tonne steel rafter to move.

有时,为了摆脱电视瘾,我会在一个荒废的、椽板上长着蘑菇的小屋中过夜。Sometimes, to break my addiction to the tube, I spent the night in a derelict shed with mushrooms growing from the rafter boards. Back-yard rehab.

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他感觉自己和她一样,是那么的可怜,有点自嘲的朝着她走过,“花叶已落橼木孤,何故独痴泪湿襟?He felt like her, is so poor, there is little self-deprecating towards her walk, " mosaic has been falling rafter solitary, somehow the filthy tears wet Jin?"

所以当罐内介质腐蚀性较强,或罐顶防腐施工条件比较差的时候,选用外构架网顶就是一个比较好的解决方法。It's a better solution to use external rafter doom roof on the occasion of medium of high causticity or difficult to paint on the undersurface of roof plates.

我毫不费力地弹跳而起,站到了木椽上,抓住那个男人的脑袋抽打,一次打到了左侧,另一次击中右侧。I sprung effortlessly from the ground up to the wooden rafter and grabbed the shaggy haired man by his head then began to snap it, once to the right, then to the left.