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何必嘞?Why so much fuss?

这有什么好大惊小怪的?What's the big fuss?

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真是无事自扰!What a fuss about nothing!

没有线缆,没有杂乱无章。No cables, no muss, no fuss.

不要过分讲究你的衣着。Don't fuss with your clothes.

所以吃狗肉有什么值得大惊小怪的。So why the fuss about dogmeat?

富斯峰最近一次喷发是在1854年。Fuss Peak last erupted in 1854.

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那么华理克为什么如此小题大做呢?So why all the fuss about Warren?

那么,何来国会的小题大做?So, why all the fuss on the Hill?

不要为区区小事而大惊小怪。Don't make a fuss about such trifles.

别为了丢失踊支彼就这样大惊小怪。Don't make so much fuss over losing pen.

其他的是都过于琐碎而不用烦扰。The other stuff is too trivial to fuss over.

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我不明白你为什么要这样借题表现。I don't see why you are kicking up such a fuss.

所以,所有这些麻烦和花费是否真的值得呢?So is all this fuss and expense really worth it?

“没有弄乱,无事”是一个伟大的口号记住。"No muss, no fuss" is a great slogan to remember.

我不会在这件小事上与他计较。I'll never make a fuss about the trifles with him.

大多数时候人们总是在无病呻吟。Sometimes people always make a fuss about nothing.

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从未挨过饿的确人才决不能想像饿的滋味。You can imagine there being a lot of fuss about it.

只是点风吹草动,你怎么就大做文章?Why do you always make a fuss over a trivial things?

它创造了一个大做文章,大惊小怪坚持到今天。It created a big fuss and the fuss persists to this day.