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我在中国土生土长。I am originally from China.

菩提本无树。Bodhi originally is no tree.

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我原本是从得克萨斯来的I'm originally from Texas and

可口可乐最早是绿色的。Coco-Cola was originally green.

哦,我最初从迈阿密来。Well, I’m from Miami originally.

汕尾本来就是一个港口城市嘛。Shanwei was originally a port city.

小阿尔伯特原本喜欢老鼠。Little Albert originally liked rats.

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本来鸡有四支脚的。The rooster had four legs originally.

它们最初于一九二○年代开始流通。They originally started in the 1920s.

世界的本来面目是什么样的?What the world originally looked like?

其实,这螺壳岩里面本来是实心的。In fact, it was originally a solid rock.

起初是想叫约翰去学当律师。John was originally destined to the bar.

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最初我非常上午并且心胸狭窄。Originally I very am also mean-spirited.

大卫的父母起初想叫他去学当律师。David was originally destined to the bar.

此井原为包公井。This well was originally called Bao well.

起初这是罗伯特李将军的庄园。Originally the estate of General Robert E.

安娜,秦朝,原来你们在这啊!Anna, Qin Dynasty, originally you are here!

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葡萄采自稀有百年树龄葡萄树。Originally sourced from 100 year old vines.

茯苓饼是一种宫廷点心。Tuckahoe Pie was originally a palace snack.

本来就是我自己的一相情愿。Is my one's own wishful thinking originally.