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我和那些抛开生命中所有矛盾的人们在一起。I was with people who had shed all the inconsequence of earlier life.

我知道为什么合逻辑的自由会比紊乱的自由来得好。I tell how there may be a better wildness of logic than of inconsequence.

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二十七岁,发愤著书,科学哲学无所终,故写小说,博大家一笑,没什么了不得。When 27, I resolved to write books inconsequence of no achievements in science and philosophy.

鉴于此,在批判法西斯主义的过程中,他们揭示了传统资产阶级民主的不合理性。Therefore, during the procedure of criticism, they pointed out the inconsequence of traditional bourgeois democracy.

独立学院董事会制度存在董事会的结构不合理、董事会的职能脱位、董事会的职权越位等问题。The property rights and managerial authority are not divided. The structure of Governing Board system is inconsequence etc.

长期以来,不科学的施用方法,导致了许多地方的多种储粮害虫普遍地对其产生了抗性。Over the years, because of the inconsequence of scientific methods, many kinds of pests produced resistance in many areas generally.

要解决这些问题和矛盾,需要对这种不合理的运作机制进行利益的衡平。There must be an inconsequence system behind any social conflict, so as to resolve these problems we have to make interest equity to the system.

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其次对我国高职教育课程设置中出现的问题进行详细描述并充分挖掘了造成其不合理的根源。Secondly, I detailedly describe the problems that exist in curriculum provision of Higher Vocational Education and search out the roots which bring on its inconsequence.

然而,对于庞大的电力互联系统,竞争环境又会在许多体制、规则、方案中凸现不合理、不完善的问题。However, the above competition environment brings a lot of inconsequence and imperfection in system, regulation and precepts for the gigantic interconnected power system.

在大学物理教材中普遍存在着把电场和磁场分离开来的一个不合理的认识,并由此派生出了一些不合实际的说法。An inconsequence cognition has generally existed in college physics teaching material that separates electric field from magnetic field, which has derived some discrepancy.

同时,由于出口增长乏力与消费需求不足,政府投资缺乏持续性,中国经济可能会出现停滞。At the same time, inconsequence of the insufficient export growth and consumption demand and government investment lacking persistence, Chinese economy will be at a standstill.

我国农村体育主要存在着发展不平衡,体育人口偏少,体育资源配置不合理,健身意识薄弱,体育消费水平低等问题。These problem such as the imbalance, fewness of physical education population, inconsequence of resource, weakness of consciousness and low level of sports consume existed in our country.

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当前,我国现代物流在功能和发展潜力上的主要问题在于现代物流系统的不完善以及物流运作过程的不合理。At present, the main problem of functions and development potential of the modern logistics of our country is the faultiness of modern logistics system and inconsequence of the operation of logistics.