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因而能够上浮。So, it's obviously buoyant.

她的皮裘大衣绊手绊脚的,但鼓涨漂浮着。Her fur coat was confining but buoyant.

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股票行市是轻飘飘今天在活跃贸易。Share prices were buoyant today in active trading.

他热情彭湃地介绍着每个怪异的话题。He introduced each portentous subject with buoyant enthusiasm.

当我们身强体壮时,死亡是不可想象的。When we are in buoyant health , death is all but unimaginable.

这种聚集方式的结果就是形成了有2层蚂蚁的木筏,共同抵御水流的冲击。The resulting two-layer raft is cohesive, buoyant and water-repellent.

我很幸运有开朗的性格,会享受这个世界的快乐。I am blessed with a buoyant temperament and enjoy the pleasures of this earth.

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这样减小了它们的浮力,使得它们在觅食的时候可以潜得更深。This makes them less buoyant and enables them to dive deeper in search of food.

来自法国香槟产业的数据表明英国的香槟销售正在渐入佳境。Figures from the French champagne industry show that sales in the UK are buoyant.

热情而内藏型的天蝎座是个急性子,而狮子座要乐天散漫的多。Intense, smoldering Scorpio is on a too short fuse, while Leo is much more buoyant.

当我们身强体健之时,死亡简直不可想象,我们很少考虑到它。When we are in buoyant health death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it.

当我们心宽体健时,死亡几乎是不可想象的,我们很少想到它。When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it.

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但如此轻松自得的谈话并没有在旅游业的其他产业链上发现。But such buoyant talk is not reflected in the backchannels elsewhere in the industry.

但是这个公司最近的故事不像其底线所显示的那样飘忽不定。But the company’s recent history is not quite as buoyant as its bottom line suggests.

当我们身强体健之时,死亡简直不可想象,我们很少考虑到它。When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it.

但是我的心灵感应已从他的脑海里探测到浮升出来的密码。But my telepathy soul has detected the password from his mind out to buoyant password.

并得到熔池混匀时间与浮力搅拌功率密度的关系。The relationship between mixing time and buoyant stirring energy density is also obtained.

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当昨晚切尔西队在斯坦福桥以7比0横扫斯托克城队后,主教练安切洛蒂一脸轻松。The Chelsea boss was buoyant after his team's 7-0 rout of Stoke at Stamford Bridge yesterday.

在价格上浮的背景下,持看涨态度的沃德在投资上做到了言行一致。Against the background of buoyant prices the bullish Mr Ward put his money where his mouth was.

中性浮力使你维持在离开水底的地方的位置,避免压碎或伤害到脆弱的水中生物。Staying neutrally buoyant keeps you off the bottom so you avoid injuring delicate aquatic life.