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你知道卖松饼的人吗?Do You Know The Muffin Man?

你们认识那个松饼人吗?Do you know the muffin man.

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你认识面点师么?Do you know the muffin man?

噢,是的,我们看到过那个松饼人。Yes, I know the muffin man.

你认识卖松饼的人吗?Do You Know The Muffin Man ?

是的,我们认识那个松饼人。Yes, we know the muffin man.

现在我们大家都认识松饼人。Now we all know the Muffin Man.

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哦,你知道那个卖松糕的人吗。Oh, do you know the muffin man.

一个马芬和一杯拿铁咖啡一共多少钱?How much is a muffin and a latte?

然后,我吃了松饼和鲜桃。I'm splitting the muffin with him.

噢,是的,我们看到过那个松饼人。Oh, yes we've seen the muffin man.

或许,我该先吃块小松饼。Maybe I should have a muffin first.

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把一个12杯松饼罐头用衬垫排成一线。Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners.

好,我告诉你,你知道松饼人吗?Okay, I'll tell you. Doyou know the muffin man?

烤二分之一的英式全麦松饼。Toast one-half of a whole-wheat English muffin.

在上面添加剩余的半块羊角面包,切开面朝下。Top with remaining muffin half, split-side down.

一份松饼是灯泡这么大A muffin serving size is the size of a light bulb.

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在每一个玛芬的表面刷上柠檬釉料。Brush each muffin generously with the lemon glaze.

你的小饼和火腿三文治也一样。Your bra muffin and ham sandwich are in on it, too.

对,我知道松饼人,她住在特鲁里街?Yes, I know the muffin man, who Iives on Drury Lane?