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那么,媒体业是否就没救了呢?So are the media doomed?

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全都是命里注定的结果。Lane life are all doomed.

国王宣布判她死罪。The king doomed her death.

她注定被人遗忘。She was doomed to oblivion.

也就是冥冥中注定的那一个。Also is the one that doomed.

反动统治注定要垮台。The reactionary rule is doomed.

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然而这片森林大多在劫难逃。Yet much of this forest is doomed.

也就是冥冥中注定的那一个。Also is the one that doomed devine.

最开始,这个理论似乎在劫难逃。At first, the theory seemed doomed.

唉!哑剧小丑注定沉默!Mime is doomed to keep silence, alack!

否则,你就注定会重蹈覆辙。Otherwise, you are doomed to repeat it.

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该死,海耶斯走了,火箭完了。Damn, Hayes out, the Rockets are doomed.

我从雾里出来,注定不再回头。Wuli out, doomed to no longer look back.

查理是个注定不得善终的人。Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.

否则那努力就注定了要白费。Otherwise the effort was doomed to failure.

在命中注定的碰撞。Rather rolling dissonances doomed to clash.

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一切注定只是梦一场还是从来都不曾有过呢?All doomed to just dreaming or never had it?

但今天,仍然劫数难逃。But today, we cannot escape our doomed fate.

我仅仅捕捉那些命里注定要死的。I only catch those that are doomed 5 to die.