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黑根把那烈酒痛痛快快地喝了下去。Hagen drank the fiery liquid gratefully.

我一下躺倒在温暖干爽的床上。I sank gratefully into the warm, dry bed.

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不管他们提供什么,我们都充满感激地接受。Whatever they give us, we just gratefully receive.

男人重新坐下了,范老师感激地点了点头。When the man sat back down, Teacher Fei nodded gratefully.

嘉莉感激地看着赫斯渥,又朝杜洛埃微笑。Carrie looked gratefully at Hurstwood, and smiled at Drouet.

快要死的人感激地向堂抬起他激动的眼睛。The dying man raised his fevered eyes gratefully to the Don.

“非常感谢,”这两个卧底向我致意诚挚的谢意。“Thank you, ” The two spies of Israel said, very gratefully.

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恩何大,恳求来服事,将你最好献与主。Gratefully seeking to serve Him, give Him the best that you have.

阿婆给他一把杏仁,他满心感激的接过来吃掉。She offers him a handful of almonds , which he gratefully muches up.

那位母亲万分感激,插入她的门卡。The mother thanked him gratefully while inserting her entrance card.

感谢研究助理法蒂娜德尔普拉多女士的协助。The research assistance of Ms. Fatima del Prado is gratefully acknowledged.

我把电话打通了,她感激地谢了我,回头就走。I made the call finally, and she thanked me gratefully and wanted to return home.

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在你的人生历程中,如果有人给予你帮助或传授你智慧,你要心怀感激地接受。If people offer their help or wisdom as you go through life, accept it gratefully.

作者非常感谢徐武教授,对他的协助这项研究。The authors gratefully acknowledge Xu Mingwu, Prof for his assistance in this study.

我自从知道了这件事以后,一直就想对你表示谢忱。I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.

还要特别感谢Ned教授所率领的雷金纳德·琼斯中心的支持。Support from the Reginald Jones Center, under Ned’s guidance, is gratefully acknowledged.

感谢1997年LFM提供的全校课程发展基金的贡献。The contribution of curriculum development funds in 1997 by LFM is gratefully acknowledged.

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当领导者偶尔略施小惠,他们便感激涕零。When leaders treat the member well occasionally, they accept any and all crumbs gratefully.

我自从知道了这件事以后,一直就想对你表示谢忱。Ever since I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.

“水牛伯伯,谢谢你协助了我,更谢谢你信任我。”小笨熊感激地说道。"Buffalo uncle, thank you to assist me, but thank you to trust me. " Small Benxiong said gratefully.