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痛苦的哭泣声阵阵回荡在我的耳畔。Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my hear.

痛苦的呼喊声回荡在我的内心。Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.

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这个枪杀事件继续在美国国会引起反响。The killing continued to reverberate in Congress.

这项决定将引起反响并震撼这个国家。The decision will reverberate and will jar the country.

但审判的余音却一直回荡在美国文学史中。But echoes of the trial would reverberate in American literature.

我比较喜欢让事情带着他们自己的讽刺和含义读者间滚来滚去。I prefer to let things reverberate with their own ironies and implications.

文章介绍了电磁兼容测量技术中的混波室测量技术。In this paper, the EMC measurement techniques in reverberate room is presented.

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很少有11岁大的孩子会做出能够在世界范围内引起反响的政治宣言。Rarely do 11-year-olds make political statements that reverberate around the world.

他吼着,混凝土墙壁似乎都在回响。You’re nothing!’ he bellowed, with such force the concrete walls seemed to reverberate.

可悲天悯人的情怀却将我牢牢拉在地上,我的心回荡着悲伤的哭泣。But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.

深吸了一口气。‘咳咳咳’的呛声在小屋荡漾的回音着。Deeply preoccupied an one breath. 'Cough'of snarl the reverberate that ripples in the cabin.

如果挑战成功,NLRB行动的影响将远远超出私营领域。Were it to succeed in its challenge, the NLRB’s action would reverberate beyond the private sector.

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在超音声爆音在抗议者耳旁回荡时,那些支持军队的圣歌完全停止了。As sonic booms continued to reverberate in the protesters' ears, the pro-military chants ceased entirely.

尽管WMAP项目已被确定在2010结束,但它所取得的成果将在未来的岁月里面继续受用。Although the WMAP mission is set to end in the fall of 2010, its results will reverberate for years to come.

“美国和欧洲的金融冲击波将在全球经济中产生反响,”他补充道。“The financial shock waves in the United States and Europe will reverberate in the global economy,” he added.

所有的这些已经暴露了毫无根据的恐惧感,然而反接种疫苗的思想仍在网络中有所反响。All have been exposed as groundless fears, yet anti-vaccine feeling continues to reverberate on the the internet.

“我不做道德评判,”他说,“我更倾向于将事物的反讽与暗示混合起来让它们自己去产生反响。"I don't make moral judgments, " he says. "I prefer to let things reverberate with their own ironies and implications.

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他们每个人都会选择通过时间作出回荡下来?并爱尔兰猎犬携带的古代克尔特人的灵魂?Will every choice they make reverberate down through time? And do Irish Wolfhounds carry the soul of the ancient celts?

深入追究造成马人格异化的主、客观原因,特别是反思其客观根源,对于制止悲剧有着重要意义。To deeply find out the subjective and objective reasons, especially reverberate the objective roots have the significance.

尽管中国稀土政策的制定是为了解决国内问题,例如污染,但这些政策却在全球范围引发了反响。Beijing's rare-earth policies reverberate globally even when they are designed to address domestic issues such as pollution.