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有一阵子,他还提倡优生学。For a while he also promoted eugenics.

优生学具有生物学上的意义。Eugenics has a biological significance.

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一些人还祭出了优生学的幽灵。Some are raising the specter of eugenics.

政治家对优生学不感兴趣,因为未出生者并无选举权。Politician take no interest in eugenics because the unborn have not vote.

消极优生学的范例是试图破坏一种对人体有害的隐性基因。An example of negative eugenics would be the attempt to eradicate a harmful recessive gene.

缘,是茶叶原生地和优生区,也是茶文化的重要发祥地之一。Edge, is the native habitat, and eugenics tea area is an important birthplace of tea culture.

现在我们理解优生学是一种非法的学说,但为何今天我们还要对此忧虑呢?We understand now that eugenics was an illegitimate science, so why even worry about it today?

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因为优生学背后的思想依然存在,许多资深遗传学家都指望,未来是一个基因工程决定一切的世界。The thinking behind eugenics is still present. Many senior geneticists point to a genetically engineered future.

宣传避孕节育、优生优育等科学知识。Propagandizing scientific knowledge of contraception and birth control, eugenics and superior nurture, and so on.

古希腊斯巴达人是古代世界最重视优生的民族,在历史上有重要影响。The Spartans in ancient Greece were a nation that paid the greatest attention to eugenics and exercised important influences.

在二十世纪早期,马尔萨斯对于人口控制的想法还与优生学和社会达尔文主义有关。In the early twentieth century, Malthusian ideas on population control were linked to theories of eugenics and social Darwinism.

答谢会上,中国优生科学协会会长林佳眉向赞助企业颁发了人文关怀奖杯。Thanks at the meeting, China Association for Science eugenics Lin Mei-sponsored enterprises awarded to the humanistic care trophy.

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这样一来,某些人类遗传疾病将消失,与此同时也将开辟出一条全新的优生学的道路。In this way, certain genetic diseases will disappear from mankind, while at the same time a new path to eugenics will be pioneered.

邓安富泌尿外科副主任医师,毕业于华北煤炭医学院,广东优生优育协会专家委员会委员。Deng Anfu Deputy Director of Urology graduated from North China Coal Medical College Guangdong eugenics Association Expert Committee.

本发明用于临床推广,可在优生优育、提高人口质量方面发挥积极的作用。Said invention is simple in operation and has good repeatability. It can play positive action in eugenics and improving population quality.

因此,消除环境污染是优生工作急需解决的问题,应引起全社会的高度重视。It is an urgent task for Eugenics to clear up all environmental pollutions, and this task should draw high attention from all social members.

有人用孟德尔遗传学培育出新的作物品种,而纳粹德国却把它用之于他们邪恶的优生计划。Mendelian genetics provided the knowledge for the breeding of new crop varieties and also for perverse experiments in eugenics in Nazi Germany.

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优生论是一个对古老现象的新术语,它断言印第安人应该被灭绝因为他们是次等民族。Eugenics is a new term for an old phenomena which asserts that Indian people should be exterminated because they are an inferior race of people.

积极优生学也被认知为进化优生学,在上文中涉及的几个方面都不同程度地取得了一些成果。Active eugenics is also known as evolutionary eugenics , and results of differing degrees have been achieved in several of the abovementioned areas.

他在科举研究中一以贯之以人文主义的优生学思想,强调科举制度的人文选择功能。He fills humanistic eugenics thought in his imperial examination research, highlighting humanistic selective function of imperial examination system.