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描述如何以声明和命令的方式实现权限对象。Describes how to implement permission objects declarative ly and imperatively.

定单中所列进度表对供应商具有当然的约束力。The time schedule set down in the order is imperatively binding on the supplier.

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对传统的政府投资项目管理方式改革势在必行。The government to the tradition invests that the project control means reforms imperatively.

当市场经济取代计划经济,房屋的市场体制改革势在必行。When market economy substitution planned economy, house market organizational imperatively reform.

在焊接生产中,如何优化这些参数的匹配是一个亟待解决的问题。In welding production, how to optimize these parameters settings is a problem to be solved imperatively.

如何评价该类建筑的抗震性能,合理地进行结构设计,是摆在我们面前亟待解决的问题。How to assess the seismic properties and to design rationally this structure must be solved imperatively.

潮湿米粒快速干燥或干燥籽粒浸水、回潮均会产生严重的裂纹。Drying wet rice rapidly and soaking or rewetting dry rice kernels imperatively results in severe fissuring.

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潮湿米粒的快速干燥,干燥籽粒的浸水或回潮均会带来严重的裂纹。Drying wet rice kernels rapidly, Soaking or Rewetting dry rice Kernels imperatively results in severe fissuring.

如何对现有的销售队伍资源进行重新规划、组合,使其更加符合企业发展的要求,是目前LD公司需要考虑的问题。How to re-organize the present sales resources is the problem, at present, LD Company needs to consider imperatively.

在当今信息化社会中,软件开发机构迫切地需要开发高质量软件的方法。In current information society, software development agencies need method for higher quality software development imperatively.

为发展对中小企业的直接融资,中国创业板市场的推出势在必行。In order to develop direct financing of the small and medium-sized enterprise, Chinese GEM market will be put out imperatively.

因此,要进行计算机基础教学改革,引导大学生正确认识计算机等级考试。Therefore, the reform of computer basis teaching should be conducted imperatively , so as to guide students to understand the computer test correctly.

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可以声明方式或强制方式使用安全要求调用来指定直接或间接调用方访问您的库时必须拥有的权限。You can use the security demand call declaratively or imperatively to specify the permissions that direct or indirect callers must have to access your library.

人人都同意政府必须强制处理大型银行有毒资产,不过此次会议仅仅突显了政府进展的缓慢.Everyone agrees governments must imperatively deal with the toxic assets of major banks but the meeting merely served to highlight how slow they are in doing so.

在减少代码冗长方面这算是向前迈了很大的一步,但还不算是更加抽象——其依然迫使用户命令式地计算比较函数。This is a big step forward in reducing verbosity but is still not any more abstract — it still forces the user to calculate the comparison function imperatively.

议付行必须确认已在正本信用证背面签注了议付金额,否则票款将不予支付。Negotiating bank must imperatively confirm , that amount of negotiation has been endorsed on reverse of original credit otherwise drawing amount will not be honoured.

这一任务意味着要对先贤们感恩,对自己公平,对子孙尽责,并且热爱全人类,所有这些都迫切需要我们全心全意去完成。This task of gratitude to our fathers, justice to ourselves, duty to posterity, and love for our species in general, all imperatively require us faithfully to perform.

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作为主体部分的开始,我将向您介绍一个问题的两种不同实现方式,一个采用命令式编写,另一个采用函数式编写。As a departure point for the tour, I'll have you look at two different implementations of a problem, one written imperatively and the other with a more functional bent.

高校工资分配制度的现状在一定程度上制约了高校的发展,改革势在必行。As the status quo of the wage distribution system in institutions of higher learning has hampered their development to some degree, reform must be imperatively enforced.

随着我国教育的跨越式发展,硕士研究生招生形势发生了巨大的变化,入学考试改革势在必行。With the Great-leap-forward development of our country education, the situation of enrollment has changed enormously, and the admission examination is reformed imperatively.