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我已经被套牢了!I’m caught.

我们要被抓住了。We’ll get caught.

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若是他捉到我呀!If he had caught me!

哎呀,你抓到我了!Oops, you caught me!

不过不要被抓包。But don't get caught.

我是怎么被逮到的呢?How did I get caught?

有一次我被抓住了。One time I got caught.

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天哪,我被抓住了。Oh, gosh! I was caught.

他急忙抓住这个机会。He caught at the chance.

他行窃被抓住。He was caught pilfering.

我赶上了末班火车。I caught the last train.

百灵被人网住抓走啦!Lark is caught by human!

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你喜欢绿茶还是红茶?He was caught red-handed.

她的衣服被钉子挂住了。Her dress caught on nail.

他的房子着火了。His house caught on fire.

那人捉住一条琵琶鱼。The man caught an angler.

钉子把她的大衣挂住了。The nail caught her coat.

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他们捉到三条鲈鱼。They caught three basses.

今天我会打捞上什么呢?What have I caught today?

他被一张很大的网给困住了。He is caught in a big net.