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他在对米杜士堡和韦根一役中,表现非常出色。He did really well against Middlesbrough and Wigan.

米杜士堡踢来像支意大利球队,队中十一人全都在后半场防守。Middlesbrough played liked an Italian team with 11 men behind the ball.

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我想2-0战胜上周日米德尔斯堡是向前迈了一大步。I thought our 2-0 win at Middlesbrough last Sunday was a big step forward.

伯明翰和米德尔斯堡两家英超的俱乐部都渴望得到达博。Birmingham City and Middlesbrough are among Premiership clubs keen on Dabo.

图片摄于纽卡主场对阵米堡的生死大战前。This was taken just before Newcastle's massive home game with Middlesbrough.

有足够的时间让米德尔斯布勒的击球手取得得胜分。There was plenty of time for the Middlesbrough batsmen to knock off the runs.

在和米德尔斯堡的比赛后我们在冠军联赛中赢了汉堡。Since Middlesbrough we have gone to Hamburg and won there in the Champions League.

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过去图多尔已经吸引了来自博尔顿、米德尔斯堡和西布朗的兴趣。In the past, Tudor has attracted interest from Bolton, Middlesbrough and West Brom.

米德尔斯堡主教练托尼-莫布雷承认大卫-惠特可能会在一月离开球队。Middlesbrough boss Tony Mowbray admits David Wheater could be on his way in January.

通恰一承认如果他要离开米德尔斯堡,他会继续留在英格兰。Tuncay Sanli admits he would like to remain in England when he leaves Middlesbrough.

曼联将在联赛杯第三轮在老特拉福德球场迎战米德尔斯堡队。United will host Middlesbrough at Old Trafford in the Third Round of the Carling Cup.

这是一次挑战,因为米堡的实力不弱。It was a real challenge because it was more or less a full strength Middlesbrough side.

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英冠球队米德尔斯堡已经拒绝了利物浦对于门将布拉德·琼斯的报价。Championship side Middlesbrough have rejected Liverpool's bid for goalkeeper Brad Jones.

但这次受伤并没有给他上周初战米堡的比赛带来太大的问题。The injury was unrelated to the problem that forced him off against Middlesbrough last week.

我们早就在训练的时候看到这些,并且我们也知道他给米德尔斯堡带来了什么。We have seen what he can do in training and we know what he brought to the team in Middlesbrough.

米德尔斯堡队队长乔治·博阿腾表示瑞安·巴贝尔有成为新亨利的潜质。Middlesbrough captain George Boateng claims Ryan Babel has the pedigree to be the new Thierry Henry.

切尔西俱乐部和米堡之间就一份胡特转会而未公开的转会费的协议达成一致…Chelsea Football Club can confirm it has agreed an undisclosed fee with Middlesbrough for Robert Huth.

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我无法确信他们能够夺冠,因为米堡和西汉姆连在那了,我必须尊重他们。I cannot wish them luck in the final. Middlesbrough and West Ham will be there and I must respect them.

这位法国人通常为庞贝打左后卫位置,作为一个进攻型的边后卫对抗米堡。The Frenchman, usually deployed as a left-back for Pompey, lined up against Middlesbrough as a wing-back.

在周二晚阿森纳主场队米德尔斯堡的联赛杯半决赛第一回合中,卡努将上场。Kanu WILL play in the Carling Cup semi-final first leg against Middlesbrough at Highbury on Tuesday night.