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荷兰橙色挂绳。Netherlands Orange Lanyard.

这个挂绳很漂亮,送给你!The lanyard is very beautiful, you gave!

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附件手腕挂绳以增加安全性。Lanyard wrist attachment for added security.

不要忘记了胶袋以及挂绳的质量。Plese don't forget polybag , please take care of lanyard quality.

口哨最好带上并绑在救生衣上。A whistle is best carried on a lanyard attached to your life vest.

他的护手里安装了火焰喷射器和绳索发射器。His gauntlets contain a flamethrower, and a whipcord lanyard launcher.

还有一个镊子和牙签和一个系绳的接孔。There's also a tweezer and toothpick and a hole for lanyard attachment.

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第二天早晨,他在绳上打三个结,好记住过去了三天日子。Next morning he tied three knots in the lanyard to mark three days adrift.

大炮后膛门关上后,一切准备就绪,炮手拉动引火绳。When the breech was closed and all was ready, the gunner yanked the lanyard.

带有一个方便的镜头盖挂绳,以防止你失去了镜头盖。Comes with a convenient lens cap lanyard to prevent you from losing the lens cap.

附在吸覆罢器部位的短绳,可降低对身体的冲力。A lanyard with a built in shock absorber that limits shock-load forces on the body.

在底部,在左上角,有一个电源插口和挂绳小孔。At the bottom, in the left corner, there is the power inlet and the lanyard eyelet.

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手柄为了稳固握持而刻有斜纹线,并且开有一个孔洞专门用于系绳索戴在颈上或挂在吊钩上携带。The handle is crosshatched for secure gripping, with a hole for a lanyard or hang-up hook.

系索一端应牢固系于安全带上,另一端系于救生索上。One end of the lanyard shall be firmly tied with the harnesses and the other end with life line.

在船上,他用一根短索将他的拐杖和脖子套到一起,以使双手尽可能地自由。Aboard ship he carried his crutch by a lanyard round his neck, to have both hands as free as possible.

我并不反对办公室浪漫史如果处理谨慎的话,但是将他扣压在你的系索上是不谨慎的。I don't object to office romance as long as it's discreet. Attaching him to your lanyard is not discreet.

它非常结实且非常适合放于口袋中,钥匙扣中,或者使用挂绳挂在脖子上。It's so compact it easily fits in your pocket, on your key ring or use the lanyard to wear it around your neck.

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林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cling to the decking when the squall broke.

希望确认在生产运行,该工厂将预连接的印卡挂绳背带。Wanted to confirm in the production run that the factory will be pre-attaching the printed card to the lanyard strap.

左边那个的分隔在顶部带有弹力带子分隔,并有一条带插扣的钥匙环。The left compartment has a sleeve pocket with varied elastic divisions on top and even a key lanyard with SRB release.