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琴瑟不调。The stringed instruments clash.

他们听到刀的碰撞声。They heard the clash of swords.

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你想让我和他撞衫吗?Do you want me to clash with him?

这莽原上有愚昧的军队趁着夜色鏖战。Where ignorant armies clash by night.

原则常与利益冲突。Principles often clash with interests.

中超联赛后河南球迷与警察冲突。Fans clash with police after a CSL game.

瓜达尔港是梦想与现实的相互冲突的战场。Gwadar is where dreams clash with reality.

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所有这一切都在我脑子里争论不休。All these things clash in my brain at once.

在命中注定的碰撞。Rather rolling dissonances doomed to clash.

和未来同事是一拍即合还是会产生抵触?Do You Click or Clash With Future Coworkers?

那导致了巴厘岛上最剧烈的冲突。That produced the most dramatic clash in Bali.

那些黑鞋与那条白色的裙子很不协调。Those black shoes clash with that white skirt.

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追求富足和自我满足真的冲突?Do abundance and sufficiency really have to clash?

蓝色窗帘与褐色家具很不协调。The blue curtains clash against the brown furniture.

这是在巴林首都的又一次残酷镇压。Another deadly clash today in the capitol of Bahrain.

真正的美国人喜欢战场上的刀光剑影。All real Americans love the sting and clash of battle.

接着人们便听到大门那边兵刃相交的声音。And then there came, from the gates, the clash of arms.

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英格兰U17队的下一场比赛将是在周五对阵丹麦。Next up for the U17s is a clash with Denmark on Friday.

当寒冰之剑和末日之刃相碰撞时。And then the Sword of Frost and Armageddon's Blade clash.

比赛将会在埃兰路举行,天空体育将会全程直播这场比赛。The clash at Elland Road will be shown live on Sky Sports.