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好吧,再见,乔。Well goodbye, Geo.

他们俩都学地球物理。They both study geo Physics.

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她谈到了巴基斯坦Geo电视台。She spoke on Pakistan's Geo TV.

地理空间数据是地理信息系统的基础。Geo -spatial data is the basis of GIS.

到了晚上,河津会举行夜间赏樱活动。At night, the night will hold geo hanami activities.

邻里关系是一种相当重要的地球关系。Neighborhood is of vital importance in geo relationship.

甘湫池是翠华山国家地质公园的一个新景点。Ganqiu Pool is a new scenic spot in Cuihuashan Mountain National Geo Park.

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利用这些特征,可获得较高质量的中心回线瞬变电磁测深电性剖面。With these characters a high quality of geo electric profile can be achieved.

介绍了地学图形数据的四叉树编码数据结构。This paper presents the data structure of quadtree coding for geo graphics data.

在一个页面上会显示访客的IP地址与地理信息喜欢哪一个城市或国家。In one page it will show visitor's IP Adress and Geo Info like which city or country.

土力工程处透过防止土崩计划,为私人斜坡进行安全筛选。The GEO carries out safety screening for private slopes as part of the LPM Programme.

中国、美国、南非和欧盟委员会担任地球观测组织的共同主席。GEO co-chairs are from China, the United States, South Africa and the European Commission.

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因此,现阶段我国采用双星静止轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统是合理的选择。Therefore, at present time, GEO- TDRSS with two GEO satellites is a reasonable choice for China.

NIOS相似材料是一种新型的地质力学模型相似材料。As a new type of geo mechanical model material, the NIOS material has many advantages in model test.

GEO董事会成员诺曼卡尔森担任联邦监狱部门主管17年之久。GEO board member Norman Carlson served as the director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons for 17 years.

最后对GEO位置保持机动后的快速轨道恢复这一热点问题进行了探讨。Finally the fast orbit recovery within several hours after station-keeping maneuvers of GEO is discussed.

最后提出在六盘水市可持续发展中应重视的地质环境工作。Finally, the opinions that the geo -environment work should be attached great importance to are put forward.

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所有的三维模型将得到准确的经纬度地理数据以及每个像素高度数据。All 3D-models will receive accurate geo referenced data in longitude, latitude and also in height in every pixel.

同时介绍地理信息科学的性质、研究内容、已有基础和应用前景。It also introduces the character, research content, available basis and application prospects of geo informatics.

网站将是国际等都将需要国家,将预选的基础上地理位置的选择。Website will be international so will need selection of country which would be preselected based on geo location.