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娜塔莉有位神秘的爱慕者。Natalie has a secret admirer.

他宣称是拜伦的仰慕者。He claims to be an admirer of Byron.

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他是我父亲忠实的崇拜者。He was a devoted admirer of my father.

我很欣赏索尼埃先生的作品。I'm an admirer of Mr. Saunière's work.

康斯坦丁就是这样的一个崇拜者。Konstantin Shepin is one such admirer.

这是一位不具名的爱慕者送来的情人节礼物。This is a Valentine from a secret admirer.

但是,众所周知他对特雷泽盖已经“倾慕已久”。But he has long been an admirer of Trezeguet.

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我多年来都是你的爱慕者。I have been an admirer of yours for many years.

我多年来一直是你的爱慕者。You have been an admirer of yours for many years.

身为Freud长期以来的仰幕者,他们两人在1907年于维也纳相遇。Long an admirer of Freud, he met him in Vienna in 1907.

那女孩收到爱慕者所送的一束花。The girl received a bunch of flowers from her admirer last night.

也许有一天你会理解并且原谅我这个笨拙的爱慕者。Perhaps one day you will understand and forgive your blundering admirer.

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他就是奥里维,他长久以来一直是克利斯朵夫音乐的忠诚崇拜者。It was Olivier, who had long been a faithful admirer of Christophe's music.

玛莉遇上她的神秘倾慕者,却同时在爱情路上惹上官非。Mary meets her secret admirer but faces legal issues on the road to romance.

幸福并非来自物质享受、金钱或仰慕者的喜爱。Happiness does not come from material things, money or the love of an admirer.

他深受古希腊哲学的影响,他是阿基米德的追随者。He was heavily influenced by Greek philosophy and a great admirer of Archimedes.

我和李淑君是战旗文工团的战友,我是她的歌迷,更是她的崇拜者。I and Li Shujun is senki Backstage comrades, I'm her fans, is an admirer of her.

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毫不隐诲地说,我对布拉德利将军非常崇拜。I make no bones about the fact that I am a tremendous admirer of General Bradley.

你的倾慕者很可能希望你找到他,因此他很有可能在这里留下了线索。Your admirer will want to find out who they are, so will have hopefully left a clue.

巴普蒂斯塔赞赏巴萨的比赛风格,以及同胞罗纳尔迪尼奥的技术。Baptista is an admirer of Barca's style of play and the skills of compatriot Ronaldinho.