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我老婆看着看着就睡着了,她还真幸运。Deb fell asleep. She was the lucky one.

他们只提供了一个可下载的.deb文件。In this case they just provide a downloadable .deb file.

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如果你需要吃点什么,只要找你的飘飘阿姨就行了。If there's anything you need ingest, just ask your Auntie Deb.

安装一个.deb包通常需要经过几个阶段。When a .deb package is installed, it goes through a few stages.

RPM用户应该可以通过alien使用.deb包。RPM users should be able to use the .deb packages by using alien.

将双击打开一个.deb文件。deb files – called Gdebi – would open up after double-clicking on a.

昨天晚上,我和老婆黛比一起去看了罗兰·艾默里克导演的2012。Last night, my wife Deb and I went to watch the Roland Emmerich movie 2012.

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我希望这些简单的标签可以帮助Deb学会控制速度和激励自己。I'm hoping these simple labels will help Deb learn to pace and push herself.

Deb是一名真正的战士,她向我保证她会取得成功的。Deb is a real fighter, and that gives me great assurance that she is going to succeed.

所以换句话说,这里提供的包类型有Gentoo的ebuild和Debian的.deb包。So in other words, the package types provided are Gentoo ebuilds, and Debian .deb packages.

一天,黛博.黛薇丝听见窗外有一只熊宝宝在叫,她认为熊妈妈应该就在附近,所以没理会牠。One day Deb Davis heard a baby bear outside her window. She thought its mother was nearby, so she lef tit alone.

一个女孩晚上出去后,有些尴尬的Deb醒来在波特兰最有魅力的男子公寓,缅因州。After a girls' night out, endearingly awkward Deb wakes up in the apartment of the most attractive guy in Portland, Maine.

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因此至于我们如何结束这场社交舞会的是个秘密。两位母亲四处审视酒精,以防舞会上有人喝酒。So it's a mystery how we ended up at this deb ball. Two mothers are on liquor patrol, making sure the debs aren't drinking.

介绍了一种改进后的DEB控制方法,该方法具有参数整定容易,控制效果好的特点。This article presents an improved DEB control method, which has the characteristics of easily adjusting parameters and good contol effect.

由于在活着的和化石的比目鱼中缺乏一个中间状态,这个惊人的适应性改变的起源引发了辩论。The lack of an intermediate condition in living and fossil flatfish species had led to deb ate about the origin of such a striking ad aptation.

而你们将显然参与到我们的课程中来,但也可以找,他是进修学校的助教。And you'll be working with obviously part of this class, Deb Levy but also with Deb Levy who is the, they had teaching fellow for the extension school.