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亲眼所见才是算数的。To see is lieve.

世界将会成为一体!And the world will lieve as one!

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我是无辜的,请相信我吧。I'm innocent, please be lieve me.

他们相信公众的关心是很表面的。They be lieve that public concern is only skin-deep.

没有得到相反的证据之前,我将继续相信这件事。I shall continue to lieve it until I have proof to the contrary.

他告诉了我它第一次被人看见的经过,我认为他讲的故事是真实的。He told me when it was first seen, and I be- lieve his story was true.

他们对隐士缺乏信任感,不相信我们是来给予的。They are mistrustful of hermits, and do not be- lieve that we come to give.

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不管日本的军队现在是完全用于防御的这个事实,我认为china和米国的力量是一样强大的。Ignoring the fact that Japan's army is now purely for defensive purposes, I be lieve that China is on par with the USA.

不筦日本的军队现在是完全用于防御的这个事实,我认为中国和美国的力量是一样强大的。Ignoring the fact that Japan's army is now purely for defensive intentions, I be lieve that China is on par with the USA.

不论日本的军队此刻是完全用于防范的这个事实,我以为中国和美国的气力是一样强大的。Ignoring the foperhadvertising that Japthe best's affilihadvertising internet marketing is now purely for defensive purposes I be lieve that China is on par with the USA.