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要有食品安全意识。Use food safety awareness.

三月份是职业道德宣传月。March is Ethics Awareness Month.

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“但是意识仍然在那”。But the awareness is still there.

他的法律意识太弱了!His awareness of the law is weak!

鸟儿在歌唱--在你的意识里。Birds are singing--in your awareness.

他们是否假装意识缺失?Are they feigning a lack of awareness?

关键在乎你的觉悟。Awareness is the key to becoming present.

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这样可以提升他们对单词的觉悟。This will raise their awareness of words.

培训人员,注意过敏源。To train personnel in allergen awareness.

核心价值第一阶段是关于重新发现和觉察的。CV1.0 is about Re-discovery and Awareness.

要么制作电影,宣传人权保护意识。or make movies that bring awareness to it.

这体现了判断力和洞察力的匮乏。It shows a lack of judgement and awareness.

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为防受骗,防患未然是关键。The key to avoiding this scam is awareness.

对你们而言,观念上的觉知是不够的。Conceptual awareness was not enough for you.

第五,看对方的法律意识。Fifth, look at each other's legal awareness.

重新集中注意力到呼吸上。And just return your awareness to your breath.

当你失去觉知时,永远不要泄气。Never get discouraged when you lose awareness.

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抽大烟的人声称,抽烟能够提高他们的意识力。Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness.

网络文学作品版权不易保护。The network writers scarce copyright awareness.

把脚步放慢,每一步都是觉知的练习。Walk slowly, each step a practice in awareness.