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给卢宾谋到了一个职位。Got a place for Lupin.

卢平是混血儿?。Lupin is a half-blood.

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吃羽扇豆种子做的面包。Eat bread with lupin seeds.

我要给卢平写封信。I'll write a letter to Lupin.

我们将会在第五本书中见到卢平。We'll see Lupin in Book Five.

“还少一个。”卢平说。"We're one short, " said Lupin.

对不起先生卢平教授在哪里?。Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin?

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哈利叫喊着,看向了卢平。Harry yelped, looking from her to Lupin.

然后弗兰克和卢宾跳进房间。Frank and Lupin then bounded into the room.

是海德薇,她带来了一封卢平的信。That was Hedwig. She brought a letter from Lupin.

是海德薇,她带来了一封卢平的信。That was Hedwig. She brought a letter from Lupin.

这件事哈利对谁都没说,连对卢平也没说。Harry had talked about it to no one, not even Lupin.

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我没有注意到卢宾和弗兰克何时消失了。I did not notice that Lupin and Frank had disappeared.

“我想这取决于他们会得到什么好处,”卢平说。I think it depends what they're offered, ' said Lupin.

“疯眼汉的遗体,”卢平说,“我们必须把它他找到。”"Mad-Eye's body, " said Lupin. "We need to recover it. "

这话更多是对卢平说的,他恳求他的原谅。He addressed Lupin more than any of them, beseeching him.

“你们结婚了?”哈利叫道,看看她,又看看卢平。"You got married?" Harry yelped, looking from her to Lupin.

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特劳妮教授预言卢平不会在霍格沃兹待很久。Trelawney predicts Lupin will not be with Hogwarts for very long.

如果鲁邦认为做贼是世界上最酷的事情,他就是一个最低等的人。If Lupin thinks being a thief is the coolest job, he is the lowest man.

“没事的,我理解,”哈利边说,便把更多的目光投向了卢平。"It's fine, I understand, " said Harry, speaking more to Lupin than Tonks.