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她向旁边斜看了一眼。She gave an oblique look to one side.

从而提出次髎穴斜刺法。Thus we got oblique needling method of Ciliao.

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斜线意味着运动、行动和变化。Oblique lines imply movement, action and change.

不稳定性骨折通常是粉碎性或斜形骨折。Unstable fractures are usually comminuted or oblique.

在工程图中,斜轴测图是很有用的。In engineering, oblique axonometric drawing is useful.

在镫骨斜位MPR图像上测量镫骨的高度。The height of stapes was measured with the oblique MPR.

将茄子洗净,去蒂,斜切成双联厚片。Wash eggplant, remove stalks, oblique dual joint thick.

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那朵红莲,被那繁密的雨点,打得左右攲斜。The red lotus, the dense rain, played around Qi oblique.

提出了斜角切削热力模型。A thermomechanical model for oblique cutting was proposed.

该轴位于其它方向,则称为斜轴。The axis lies in any other direction the aspect is oblique.

采用倾斜字型的字元会人为地倾斜。The characters in an oblique font are artificially slanted.

图2左胫骨中部长斜形骨折、加2枚阻钉。Fig 2. Middle long oblique fracture of tibia, two blocking screws.

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第一人称单数的人称代词的斜格形式。Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular.

其基本特征是“仄顶仄,平顶平”。Its basic characteristics are "level to level and oblique to oblique".

MacDonald故意偏离航线,靠近闭关锁国的日本。MacDonald took an intentionally oblique route to getinto closed Japan.

伊朗的局势给油价带来的任何支持可能都只是间接的。Any support the Iranian situation lends to oil prices is likely oblique.

此油道属细长孔,且于轴线成一定的角度。The lubricative path is a slightness hole which is oblique to the crank.

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目前的绘图软件不能绘制斜轴测图。Drawing software can not draw oblique axonometric drawing at the present.

目的探讨上斜肌麻痹的手术治疗方式。Objoective To explore the operating therapy of superior oblique paralysis.

使其与第一张CD的花卉藤蔓成为斜对角。Bring them in line with the first CD into oblique flower vine on the angle.