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我们所应得的东西也不会比现在少。No less deserving than we are now.

你值得拥有幸福安康。You are deserving of this Well-being.

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他希望能找到受之无愧的得主。He is hoping to find a deserving winner.

他能进名士堂,这一点也不特别。He's very deserving to be in the Hall of Fame.

这个强盗应处极刑。The robber is deserving of capital punishment.

真心的话语,赢得了全场的欢呼。Heartfelt words, deserving of a round applause.

你们的意见如何。他们都定他该死的罪。And they all condemned Him to be deserving of death.

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唯有他值得我们奉献己身并效忠于他。Only He is deserving of our devotion and allegiance.

先抛开值不值的问题不谈,你认为哪家公司会真的收购雅虎呢?Who will, deserving or not, actually buy the company?

任何失业人员都被认为在应得玫府帮助之列。Any unemployed person reckons as deserving government help.

尽心竭力,照理应该得到较好的结果。So earnest an effort was well deserving of a better reward.

奇怪的是,日元或许更配得上这个荣誉称号。Strangely, the yen may be the more deserving of that accolade.

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在这里我特别要表扬的是小叶和四眼。Those deserving special praise are the Little Leaf and Four Eyes.

小莫是一个很不错的人选,我希望他会考虑。Mo is a deserving candidate and hopefully he'll get consideration.

指出了非洲菊组织培养中值得继续深入研究的方面。Put forward the problems deserving further research are put forward.

而且,还没完没了地列举值得感谢的人,谁知道他们是谁。Furthermore, the endless list those deserving thanks know who they are.

这是个星光灿烂的子,值得在历上画一个大金星。This is a star-spangled day, deserving of a gold star on your calendar.

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那我得做点事来保证自己的儿子得到他应得的遗产。So I will do something to guarantee an inheritance for my deserving son.

只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活或自由。None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.

只有天天再度克服糊口并篡夺自由的人,才配享受糊口或自由。None eis of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.